We were headed to a club. When we reached there was music blasting out loud. We walked in and we're greeted by b/f's teammates.

B/f walked me over to the bar.

"You want anything to drink" he asked me.
"Not rn, i don't wanna get wild this early into the party" i replied. He nodded, ordered a drink for himself and started vibing to the music.

I laughed at his silly behaviour. He widened his eyes at me bobbing his head to the music at the same time. He took a few sips from the drinks.

Soon a romantic song started playing.

He got up, extending his hand.
"Shall we dance my lady?" He asked bowing.
"Yes, we shall" i replied in a mighty tone as if I was a princesses being asked for a dance by the most brave and handsome prince in the land.

He pulled me closer to himself, placing a hand on my hips and the other holding mine as we began to slow dance to the music.

He spun me around a few times, dipping me. We were both enjoying our time.

"Hey captain, wanna show you smth" his teammates called him.
"Oh um, i GTG brb babe" he said. I nodded at him.

I made my way over to where we were seated.

I waited for a few minutes, the music had changed from the romantic one.

Suddenly someone approached me.

"Hello, you are insanely beautiful" he said
I just smiled back in response. I rolled my eyes looking around searching for b/f.

"Can I buy you a drink" he asked. Well not asked he kinda said that in an ordering tone. He even signalled the bartender to get a drink.

"Uh, no thank you" i replied getting nervous. Why isn't b/f back by now.

I tried to get up and go away, I felt really uncomfortable around him.

Key word "tried". That dude had the audacity to grab my hand twist it around my back.

He pulled me to his lap. I hit him the chest with my elbow and even moved my legs around trying to hit him the nuts. He struggled for bit but he was strong all right.

I tried to get out of his grip but it was too tight. Trying to get out only cause me pain.

"Shesh, we got ourselves a fiecity one" he chuckled at me. I was breathing heavily still trying to get out of his grip.

"Let go of me, you motherfucker" I shouted at him.
He oohed at me. By now the bartender had returned with the drinks.

That took him a long time. I'm pretty sure they mixed something in it.

My suspicions were correct, as the man tried to forcefully make me drink it.
"Oh come on, don't fight me, just take a sip and I will do the rest come on" he forcefully opened my mouth. I moved my face away from him, tears started slipping out of my eyes cause his grip was too tight and it hurt.

I screamed b/f's name, still struggling. But I failed to fight him. He was almost successfull in making me drink that drink untill...

B/f pov:

(Teammate name) called me in between my dance with y/n.

He took me over to a group of people sitting down on a couch.

"Guys, meet my football team captain, b/f" he introduced me to the people. I shake hands with them. They were footballers from Spain. I talked to them for a while.

I was talking to one of them abt the championship we just won when I heard y/n screaming??

I might be miss hearing things but I had left y/n alone so I went to go check on her.

I walked through the crowd over to where I left y/n. I saw a guy straddling her onto his lap and forcing her to drink smth. Y/n was screaming, crying and fighting the guy.

I rushed towards her knocking the glass out his hand just in time, punching him hard in the face making his nose bleed. I grabbed y/n out of his arms. I hugged her close to me. I felt tears soaking my shirt.

I pulled her even closer to me as the sobs turned into a full out cry.

The guy tried to get up but the security gaurds got him and dragged him out. They even got the bartender who helped the guy.

My teammates had reached the scene by now. I told them I was gonna leave. And I took y/n out of the club.

"Love, baby, look at me please?" i asked her softly. She nuzzled out of my neck and looked at me. Her eyes were puffy and red.

"I was so scared back then" she was barely able to speak.

"Oh god love, I'm so sorry" I broke at the sight of her. I hugged her again pulling her into my chest. I could feel her calm down in my arms.

"Do you wanna go home?" I asked her.
"Yes please" she replied. She pulled away from me and pulled me in for a kiss. I pulled her closer to myself.

"Do you wanna listen to our playlist and dance at home?" I asked her.

She laughed and responded. "Dummy, is that smth to even ask abt? Obviously YES!" She laughed at me. Pulling me for another kiss. I deepened it grabbing her waist.

I was so relieved to hear happy. I never wanna see her in that situation again...

Author's note: sorrryyyy for the lack of update last week I was out of ideas and sickkkkk 😭😭.

I hope yalll like thissssss.

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