The Start Of My New Life

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I woke up and was excited for the day. I was glad that it wasn't a dream, but now... what do I do?

Someone suddenly knocked on the door before entering. It was Scrooge.

"Oh, Mr. McDuck." I forgot what he said last night.

"Scrooge," he corrected. I gave an apologetic smile.

"It's fine, lad. Anyway, I was gonna tell you that you will be staying in the manor." What. But I wanted to explore the world of my favourite show...

I sighed and nodded sadly.

"I know that you wanna go outside, but I'm worried about what other people will do to you. Especially my enemies if they knew about you."

He did have a good point. I gave him a sad look and he felt bad.

"It's okay, Scrooge. I understand." I saw his guilty look.

I hugged him and he was surprised. I pulled away. He smiled and told me that breakfast was ready. He led me to the dining room. I sat on one of the chairs.

"Hello, Y/N!" Webby greeted. I smiled at her and the triplets looked at me.

"Hello, you three." I saw what they prepared and it was your average bacon and eggs. However, it was still better than anything I had tasted back then.

"Enjoying the food, lad?" I nodded and continued eating.

I was done and instinctively put my dish in the sink and started washing it.

"Y/N, was it? I can do the dishes." It was Mrs. Beakley. She was much larger in person than she was in the show.

"It's okay, I always wash the dishes." She shrugged and left me with the dishes.

I was surprised that it didn't take that much time for me to complete the dishes.

I went outside to visit the garden and the pool since I would be staying in the manor. I noticed some of the plants were slightly dying, looks like Mrs. Beakley forgot to water some of them.

I filled up a water can with water and proceeded to water the ones that were dying. I had nothing else to do. I sighed.

"Y/N?" Scrooge saw me and walked up to me.

"I'm gonna be going to the bin since I have a business meeting to attend." He smiled before patting my head.

"Stay safe, lad." He went to the limo. The car slowly went out of my sight and I had nothing to do.

At least I had the boys and Webby to talk with, right?

I went to the living room to see the boys watching something on the TV.

"Oh, hey, Y/N." Huey waved and I waved back. I approached them and Dewey and Louie were busy watching. It looks like Huey was just there, doing his own thing. He wasn't interested.

Wonder what he's doing. I went to check on Webby, but she was not in her room. Probably in the vents spying on the boys or... me. That thought made me feel uneasy.

I checked my phone to see that it had been a few hours since Scrooge left. I am so bored.

I could be playing with the boys right now, but no. They have their things to deal with.

"When is Mr. McDuck gonna come back..." I whined. I decided to take a walk outside, to learn more about the manor.

I went to the pool to see Donald, peacefully sleeping on his houseboat. 

I went to the garage because I was bored, so I thought that looking around the treasures, artefacts, or anything that Mr McDuck has collected his whole life would make my boredom go away.

It was certainly interesting, but didn't make my boredom go away.

I gave up and decided to take a nap. I went to my room and laid on my bed, bored.

I only slept for a few hours. I woke up and it was already noon. I checked my phone to see if anything happened while I was asleep.

"Surprising. Nothing unusual has happened yet." Maybe because I was sleeping but who knows.

I went downstairs to see that Mr. McDuck hadn't come back yet. I sighed. I went to the kitchen to make myself a sandwich.

I saw the boys playing with Webby outside, it seemed like they were playing dodgeball. Of course, Webby was demolishing them.

I would give up anything for something to happen or go on an adventure, but I remembered that Scrooge forbade me from going out of the manor.

I went to the living room but stopped when I saw Donald.

He was looking at a picture of... Della. I forgot that she got lost in space, but I couldn't tell them that.

I groaned in pain as I suddenly a dark figure, that looked like me.

"You don't belong here, you know that, right?" it asked. I shook my head. I groaned as the pain got worse.

It went away and Donald heard me. He got up and saw me.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" I chuckled nervously.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just stubbed my toe, that's all." He went to his houseboat. I wanted to tell them that Della was okay, but I couldn't.

"I'm back." The moment I saw Scrooge enter, I immediately ran up to him and hugged him.

"What's the matter, lad? Miss me that much?" I nodded and hugged him tighter.

"Missed you too, laddie." I let go and he smiled.

"I have good news for you, lad." I waited for him to tell me, please tell me I'm gonna go on an adventure.

"You will be coming with us on an adventure to the Temple of The Golden Cricket."

I held in my excitement, I finally had the chance to go on their adventures.

"I know you're excited, but please keep a low profile. I'm still worried about you." I sighed and nodded.

I'm still happy that I get to go on an adventure with them.

"I understand." He could hear the sadness in my voice.

"Dinner is ready," he reminded. I realized and ran.

"Okay!" I rushed to the dining table.

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