A soft knock at the door, Enzo peered his head through the crack. Julianna thinks she's going to be sick again, but she's too tired to even lift her head from Quinn's lap. There are no words exchanged as Julianna feels her head lift, there's a quiet shuffling before her head is placed back down.

   Enzo runs his hand through her hair, the other rests on her hip. Julianna could feel her body begging to rest as if she was already in the games. Enzo is nudging her now, shaking her body. Julianna grumbles, peeling one eye half open.

   He was hovering over her in a blur, holding out a piece of bread. She had no interest in eating right now, but there was no doubt in her mind that Enzo would refuse to take no for an answer. And, truthfully, Julianna was far too tired to argue. She grudgingly takes the bread, and Enzo smiles in triumph.

   "Why are you here?" Julianna mumbles through bites of bread.

   After a brief pause, Enzo sighs. "Your dad used to tell my dad that you get so anxious it makes you sick," he says.

   Her stomach churns at the mention of her father, let alone her father revealing some of her most vulnerable moments. Enzo being in the know does not affect her, but the idea of other powerful men sharing that knowledge makes her feel like a child again.

   "Oh, good."

   Enzo chuckles, handing her another piece of bread. "Plus, I couldn't sleep."

   Julianna shifts, peeling her body off the floor and sitting up. Her eyes are still closed; she rests her back against the wall. "I'm glad I could cure your boredom."

   "How are you feeling?"

   Julianna inhales, how is she feeling?

   Well, her brother was God knows where- and she was soon to be in a blood bath with the love of her life. And according to the entirety of Panem, Julianna was going to die. She's pretty sure they're hoping she dies; they must be so tired of seeing her. She was old news; they'd moved on to someone new and exciting.

   What if she dies and never gets to tell him?

   What if she dies and Enzo goes on to marry another woman, what if he spends the rest of his life with someone other than her?

   Julianna peels her eyes open; Enzo is already staring at her. She swallows, and that familiar sick feeling begins to rise in her throat again.

   This is the closest she's ever come to admitting it out loud.

   Julianna blinks, offering a weak smile. "Thank you, Enzo." She says instead.

   In this life, falling in love can be the worst of crimes.

   Julianna stands in the elevator again, this time, she isn't going all the way up. With a shaking hand, she steps forward and presses '12'. She itched her arms, her skin felt like it was on fire from all the gems and rhinestones that covered her body. When the doors open, Haymitch and Finnick Odair stand side by side in front of her.

   The redhead shifted from one foot to the other, clasping her hands behind her back to console the violent shakiness of them. In truth, she wasn't sure why she was there. After the interviews were over, Julianna hadn't even stayed long enough to talk to Enzo. She's been avoiding him since the night before.

   So, here she was, standing with shaking hands in front of what could be her worst mistake yet. Haymitch sighs, the two men move out of the way to let her in the gold earrings hidden by her long hair now revealing themselves.

   Julianna inhales, stepping off the elevator. Her eyes find the gold bracelet secured around Finnick's left wrist, and her feet come to a halt.

   "I'm not going any further until you tell me what's going on," Julianna demands, folding her arms over her chest.

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