"Sorry, she's in a bit of a bad mood today."

"No, it's fine, I don't really mind."

"...You should, though." I heard the blond girl muttered quietly.. she knows we could hear that didn't she?

"And what about her? She just stood there the whole time, are you eavesdropping on us?" And now she's trying to lace it out on me... Still, I suppose I should explain in the first place.

"My apologies for the misunderstanding I've caused, I am Artoria Pendragon. I arrived here yesterday and registered as an adventurer recently. I was interested with the idea of joining a party so I offered Tanaka-san to form one. I will gladly decline our deal if Tanaka decided to join your party." There, problem solved. With B level charisma skill, that should be enough to convince them.

"Is that so..? Then why not join us along with Tanaka-san, too?" The blond man offered me instead.


NICE! This is no different than hitting two birds with one stone! Nice job, me!

"Eh?!" A surprised yelp from Ester escaped her mouth.

"It would be my honor." I replied to him immediately, taking my chance. At least this party seems trustworthy enough.


"I see, so you're Allen, Ester, and Sophie."

"I look forward to working with you, Tanaka."

The initial introductions was done shortly after:
The blond handsome young man was Allen, the tsundere knight was Ester, and the hooded girl was Sophie.

Allen explained that there used to be 4 of them who handled the healing, unfortunately they had a serious injury and that led to them looking for a healer... so Tanaka is a healer?

"I see."

"Would the both of you like to join our party?"

With having party members, it should be easy for me to gather new informations about this world. And to secure new connections too.

"As I said before, it is my honor to join."

"If you're ok with someone like me, then yes." Tanaka's answer to Allen are tad a bit too insecure though...

"One more question." I raise my hand.

"Yes, what is it, Artoria?" Allen replied. For the whole time he's the one who does the talk for the party.

"Why did you offered me to join if you're all only were looking for a healer?"

"Oh, that?" Allen smiles brilliantly before continuing, "I thought we would need more capable close combat fighter on the front lines, remembering what happened to our last healer."


"And.. I know it's sudden, but may I go ahead and talk about work?"

"Yes." A short reply from me.

"Eh? Right, I look forward to working with you."

"So, we actually had already taken a quest scheduled for tomorrow, we planned to meet up at the south gate."

"Very well, I look forward to it." I quickly agreed, before then followed by Tanaka.

"I understand. Then, I'll meet you tomorrow morning at the south gate."

"Is that really ok? Even though it's rather sudden?"

"Yeah, I don't have any other plans."

"Same as Tanaka-san, I don't have any plans either." Seeing that Tanaka is older, using honorific like that should be acceptable enough, and he doesn't seem to have any issues with it.

"As for the quest we have taken, it's eliminating the orcs which have been frequently bothering a nearby village." Continued Allen regarding the quest.

"Ah, yes, that's fine."

I nodded in silence, so I'm going to fight orcs next, huh? At least it's better than killing a human...

"...aagh, this is the worst." Blurted Ester, looking at Tanaka in disgust.

Tanaka seems to be used with being stared in such way...


Thankfully, the meeting went well and we went our separate ways to prepare for the quest tomorrow.

I suppose I can buy some small snacks or jerkies as my supplies for tomorrow.


[And that's it for chapter 6, I have chapter 7 at the ready in just a few... Well, I'll publish it as soon as I'm done with it. Just finished playing Fire Emblem Three Houses Verdant Wind route, Golden Deer was peak. And now I want to make a fanfic of it, maybe later though. School is suffocating me so it might take sometime, see ya later fellow readers!]

Reincarnated Into Atelier Tanaka As Artoria Pendragon Where stories live. Discover now