her beginning

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as Draculara is a witch vampire halfbreed it gives her intense amount of power.. power that is said to destroy the omniverse if ever used to that extent.. with Draculara knowing how powerful she is she's limited herself from going too angry or using too much power.. she naturally wields : all elements, all vampire powers, all witch powers, chaos magic, dark magic, earth magic, the darkhold, and she never has used an incantion for NOTHING of sort..

when she was born witches and vampires both came together to try and kill her to prevent her from ever being born.. her father Dracula did not take that very well and killed every witch and vampire that tried to harm his precious little vamp..

her mother, Namora Queen of all covens and witches were disgusted that her kind would try to harm her child which is when Namora stripped the witches of their powers and absorbed them before Dracula killed them all.

as Draculara was a child she was powerful enough to stop an incursion due to her being born she caused an incursion because no one with that much power is supposed to exist

with that being said Draculara never used her power against others and even helped all of her friends due to the fact she never wanted to be feared but to be loved.. her father didn't like that and Namora made him leave at an early age, Draculara was 1,290 years old when he left due to Namora banishing him..

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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