Part I6

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"Yaa bitch how could you betray me like that!" Eunseo said as she pushed her chair backwards standing up.

"First of all I'm not a bitch. second of all If I didn't betray you I couldn't win." he said in a sassy tone

"nah you're a bitch for me. But still why? I spent a lot of emeralds for that." she said whining like a kid as if someone took her candies away from her.

"Bij this was just a temporary world for speed run why are you acting like it was your actual world. And you had to lose, after all this game is not for kids. You need to be swift play that"

"whatever" she said rolling her eyes.

"now you have to grant one wish of mine genie Eunseo~" he said wiggling his eyebrows as she scoffed.

"you look ugly"

"not more than you" He said getting up as she just rolled her eyes.

"are your eyes some kind of machine? Why do they keep on rolling?"

"yes they are. Do you have a problem? Now tell me what you want Mr. Khim Taeoppa"

"ha? What the hell is that?" Tae asked frowning.

"well hyung is for boys and I'm a girl. And oppa is for girls. You have a 'hyung' in your name and I ain't gonna call you Tae'hyung' so I'm calling you Tae'oppa'" she finished as he looked at her with a face full of disbelief.

"whatever, so the wish is you have to do my works for half a day tomorrow cause I'm going on a date."

Eunseo just widened her eyes as she smacked his head.

"you bitch! You're going on a date that also tomorrow and you're telling me that now? I'm gonna kick hard on that ass of yours" she said as Tae started to run.

She took her slippers and started running behind him. "You bitch! Tell me her name, how does she look, her age, her address, her nationality, her phone number, her favorite colour, her favorite flavor, her job, or if she's still a student, which class she's in, her family, what if she's a stalker trying to target you. Is she a friend of ours or is she something else?" she kept on bombarding him with questions while still running around the whole living room.

"how am I supposed to know them bij I'm going on a blind date." Tae said in a crying tone.

"oh" Eunseo said stopping as Tae also stopped and started huffing. Just when she again ran and caught him. "hah. Now tell me whatever you know about her so that your ass won't get beaten."

"I don't know anything seriously."

"not even her name?"

"do you think I'll go on a date with her without even knowing her name?"


"aish sorry sorry. I'll tell you."

"hm let's sit down first"

"so her name is Han Tae-Hyo"

"oh her name matches with yours"

"yep.. She's obviously Korean. She has just graduated and her age is 20. I just have one pic of her which a she sent me."

"so what're you waiting for? show me that right now." she said sitting close to him resting her elbow on his shoulder.

"here" he said handing her the phone.

EunSeo observed the photo for some moments before saying. "nice..she's really beautiful. But before dating her you have to ask her one thing."

"what is it?"

"It's that she can't come between your and mine friendship. I mean nowadays there are girls who don't let their boyfriends have any female friends and I don't want anyone else to come between us. She can do anything she wants to do with you except coming between us. Am I clear? " Eunseo asked crossing her arms as she leaned on the couch.

"yeah yeah I'll take care of it. And if anyone comes between us I'll kick them off. You are my first priority after all."

"awwww my bestie is so good" she said wiping her fake tears as she Hugged him.

"yah I'm not good! I'm the best you know."

"whatever" she said smacking his head. "tell me every single details of what happened. Ok? Even if it's a kiss. Tell me every. Single. Thing!"

"y-ya I'm not gonna waste my first kiss that easily. I have to make sure if she's the one."

"whatever... Are you staying here tonight?"


"why the hell you didn't come yesterday. We could've stayed up all night and played minecraft!"

"how could we? Who'd have taken care of Jin hyung then?"

"oh right, I forgot about him. Hehe"

"you said you're gonna miss him and now you forgot about him" he said laughing.

"ya ya it's not like that."

"hm hm. I am sleepy bye" he said going upstairs to his room.

"I should go too" she said yawning.

"why won't this come out?!" Eunseo said squeezing the tube of moisturizer which she bought yesterday. "this is full so why the hell isn't this coming out!" she said shaking it aggressively.

She gave up and went out of her closet with the tube as she opened the door of her room and went to the door in front. She knocked twice and waited for a moment.

"Yaaa Khim Potaehyung open the freaking door or else I'll ruin your date!!!!!!" she said banging on the door as the door opened revealing Taehyung rubbing his eyes.

"why the hell are you screaming like a next door aunty?"

"this tube is strange the cream won't come out"

"so what do you want me to do?"

"help me" she said with innocent eyes Blinking twice.

"you just broke my cute little dream for this moisturizer?" he said stomping his foot, fake crying.

"stop whining." she said taking his hand and putting the tube in his hand.

He looked at it and opened the lid before squeezing it lightly but nothing came out. He looked at the mouth of the tube and stayed silent for some times before glaring at the girl infront of him. "I always knew you were blind. How the heck would it come out if you didn't remove the cover?"

"a?" she said taking the tube in her hand as she saw the plastic cover sticked on the mouth of the tube. "oh my bad, my bad hehe. Sorry have a good sleep" she said and ran into her room.

"I was having..... whatever" he said before turning around closing the door.

"why are you so clumsy Eunseo? If you keep on being this clumsy you won't get a Boyfriend or husband. Cause you might harm his personal things" she said whining. Just now she has broken the little flower vase near the door while running in. She decided not to disturb others and tell to clean this mess the next day. She heard a knock on the door as she opened it slightly peeking outside and saw Taehyung. "are you here to take revenge?" she said through the little gap.

"I heard glass breaking sound. Are you ok?"

"oh yeah yeah it was a little vase. I'll get it cleaned tomorrow"

"oh then bye don't step on the glasses."

"hm hm" she said as Tae turned to leave and she closed the door.

"I guess I'll just do the skincare and sleep I'm really tired"

"good night EunSeo I love you the most, you're the most beautiful girl in the world and you deserve the best princess treatment" Eunseo said kissing her palm then placing it on her forehead and drifted to sleep.

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