Remember When I Said Trix Morningstar Was My Last Vtuber-sona Lore. I lied.

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Darkness. That's all he saw. Darkness. Then, he opened his eyes slowly.

Where am I?

Why am I here?

What's happening?

Who am I?

His eyes where opened fully but as soon as he did. He was sentenced to death. Chained by the throat he is hung to a plank and put in front of a ballista loaded with a bolt. "What's happening? Where am I? Who am I?" He said. Then, he noticed a crowd who were whispering when he asked those questions.

"How dare he act like that? Pretending to forget who he is and what he did. After what he did to her," One said.

"She didn't deserve it," Another said.

"Strike him down for what he did her!" Another exclaimed.


He noticed something. He noticed that everyone had translucent wings on their backs. He looked behind him and saw non-translucent purple wings. He was confused on why his wings were purple but decided to ignore it. He then noticed that the ballista was going to shoot. But what did he do to deserve this? "STOP!" He shouted and time froze. The chain around his neck vanished and he fell to the ground. He looked at his wings and thought about it. His wings started up and time started up again. The others chased after him.

"Stop the Dark Fairy!" The guy next to the ballista exclaimed.

Dark Fairy? Is that what I am?

He started flying and went into a forest. But the other fairies-he guessed that's what they were-stayed behind. They seemed afraid of leaving their tree. The biggest and most alive tree in the forest. The rest of the forest seemed dead and withered. But that didn't matter. He just needed to go. So he flew through the forest before landing and started walking.

He walked through this mysterious forest wondering the things he wondered earlier as well as what those other fairies said.

Where am I?

Why am I here?

What's happening?

Who were those other fairies?

Who was the 'she' they mentioned?

Why was I sentenced to death?

What did I do?

Why can't I remember anything?

Suddenly he was falling and his wings weren't helping. Although he didn't notice at the time his hair color also changed from a vivid purple to a simple dirty blonde. Then, once again he was consumed in darkness.

When he opened his eyes he remembered everything that had happened that day. But he was in a strange place. Structures he didn't recognize surrounded him. Leaving him in a strange place at night. Alone. With no memories. Great. He was approached by strange men without wings who called him a 'cosplayer'. Before grabbing him and holding him against a wall. He was scared and his hair seemed to suddenly change back to its original color with his eyes mimicking his hair turning from blue to a vivid purple. The man holding him then turned into black petals. Leaving the other two frightened and running. His hair and eyes went back to dirty blonde and blue respectively. He was scared too. Not knowing what just happened. 

Who am I?

Who is......

Trix Darkbloom: Forgotten Dark Fairy

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