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The house is made of light wood logs with a porch wrapped around it. A white rocking chair sits next to the front door.

I imagine that in the early mornings, when the sun's rising through the treetops, it's probably relaxing to sit in that rocking chair with a cup of coffee while embracing nature. But right now, it's anything but relaxing, with the chair slowly creaking back and forth as no one but the whistling breeze sits in it.

We all step up to the house as Robert lets us in. The second I walk in, the warmth embraces my body in a bear-hug. Each footstep anybody makes creaks, it almost sounds like the house is going to fall apart.

There's a fireplace with blazing flames flickering inside of it, a couch in front of it, and a large deer head hanging overtop of it. An arched doorway leads to another room which I assume is the kitchen as all I can see is a refrigerator from where I stand.

Everybody piles into the small living room. It feels incredible to be out of the cold.

"So, should we call for help?" Rachel asks, her mousy voice piping up through the silence.

Robert lets out a bellowing laugh. "Ah, sweet thing. There ain't any connection all the way out here. But y'all are more than welcome to hang around here until sun-up. I can direct y'all to civilization then."

He takes his shotgun off his back and places it against the wall near the door.

I look at Professor Kitt, who is standing in front of all of us. He appears to be doing a headcount, silently mouthing as he points to each of us.

"Can't you just do that now?" I ask Robert suddenly. I didn't even mean to ask, it just came out. The gun really freaked me out, but I'm trying to stay calm as I don't want to upset this man and ruin our only opportunity for shelter.

Robert stares at me. I want to look away from him but for some reason, I can't.

"If y'all want to risk your lives out there right now, be my guest. It's supposed to storm again, you know," he says. "I can draw y'all up a map right now and send y'all on your merry way."

Professor Kitt smiles politely. "Sir, we all appreciate your hospitality," he then turns to us, "Class, it's not safe to keep going in the dark. We may need to wait it out."

I hear Declan sigh from behind me. I turn to look at him, he doesn't look at me.

For a second, I wish I didn't hate him so much. I wish it was like old times, where I could turn to him and express my anxious thoughts to him, and he could respond by comforting me and making me laugh.

I look away from him quickly and then look at Zoe. She looks back at me like nothing's wrong. Nobody seems to be as scared as I am, ever. Why do I always have to overreact?

"Make yourselves at home," Robert says, gesturing to the living room.

Joe and Nate both walk over to the couch and sit down on it. The rest of us remain awkwardly clumped by the door, slow to move.

"Honey, where did you put the- Oh-"

A woman walks out from the kitchen and stops dead in her tracks when she sees us. She has short blonde hair to her shoulders with royal blue eyeshadow pressed onto her eyelids. She's wearing a dark blue dress, the straight skirt draping down to her ankles, and a white lacy apron over it.

I feel a strange relief seeing a woman here. She appears to be in good health and her overall demeanor is a lot more inviting and welcoming than Robert's. She's older, like Robert is, but she's quite pretty and put-together. If she's calling him honey then he can't be that bad.

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