This should be fun.

I smiled as I ran towards them. My rapier was brimming with magic, ready to cut through flesh with ease.

The first Operator blocked my swing, but that wouldn't stop my magic. A fragment of my insanity splintered off of my sword and wormed into his mind.

He wasn't expecting it to throw him off so badly, leaving him unable to block my next swing.

A spray of gorgeous crimson flew towards me. I opened my mouth and tasted it with a smile.

I saw an Operator in the back with a staff. A mage or healer of some kind.

She seemed pretty new to this whole thing. She was clearly afraid, and hanging very far back.

Do you think you're safe in that position? If anything, you're less safe than you would be had you been closer to the fight. Now there's no way anyone can help you.

As I was fighting the other Operators, I suddenly backed off and pointed my pistol at the one sitting far in the back.

I pulled the trigger the moment my pistol was on target.

Someone screamed out her codename. 'Bloom!'.

I watched her terrified eyes as she realized what was happening.

Like a car crash, it all happened in slow motion. I tracked the magical bullet as it flew through the air.

I smiled. I already knew she was dead, after all. A rookie, and not even a fighter. She couldn't dodge or deflect the shot.

And because of where she positioned herself, no one could possibly get to her in time.

The bullet ripped right through her brain, instantly killing her with another beautiful spray of blood.

After that I heard a lot of screaming. The Operators were obviously upset, viciously trying to fight back against me.

At one point I stabbed another, but then my ears twitched. My heart stopped for a moment.

She was here.

I looked towards the source, but as soon as I did, my vision was filled with a beautiful cerulean blue.

The attack threw me back with immense force, launching me into a pile of rocks with a large explosion.

What a shame. It's just a dream. I can't feel the same pain I did when this happened for real.

I remember how my body ached. My muscles felt torn and my bones felt broken.

They weren't, of course. I'm not that weak. I could withstand at least this much.

But boy did it hurt when it happened for real. I really wished I could feel that same pain right now, but a dream is just a dream.

Zoe: "All of you, get the wounded out of here. I'll take her by myself."

???: "A-Are you sure?"
Zoe: "That's an order. Leave."

I laid there in the rubble and dust. Small sparks of her residual electricity snapped at my body, but once again, I unfortunately felt no pain.

Zoe walked towards me. Unlike the others, she wasn't afraid. She knew she could win.

Zoe: "I know you're still alive. Get out here."

I grinned. It was fun to be challenged like this.

I leapt from the cloud of dust straight towards her, but she instantly parried my rapier.

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