Turned on Misha oop

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Your PoV:
I woke up to a few texts from Misha. I decided not to open them right away and got in the shower and dressed and headed down the stairs.I walked down the stairs and heard talking I thought it was just Dad talking to Mum but as soon as I turned into the living room I saw Misha and Jared sitting on the sofa with scripts in hand, I went to turn around and head to the kitchen but I was caught.

Misha: "Wait Angel, come join us."

He tapped the space next to him and offered me a smile.

Jensen: "We're working at the moment but you can always watch me, aka the master at work."

He said that with such confidence it made me, Jared and Misha laugh.

Me: "I would but I want breakfast, plus I don't wanna be watching you guys that's boring so I'll see you lot later."

I went to walk away but Misha beat me to it.

Misha: "We could always do this later and I'll go make you some breakfast."

He smiled at me as he stood.

Jared: "Misha this is an important scene, which we are performing in a few days and if you haven't realised none of us know the script."

Misha turned to Jared still slowly backing up to me.

Misha: "I will make you breakfast too-"
Jensen: "And me!"
Misha: "Okay everyone, What do you lot want?"
Me: "I'm just gunna make myself some cereal."

Misha turned to me slightly offended.

Misha: "You don't want me to make you breakfast?"
Me: "You really want to pour me cereal?"
Misha: "No, proper breakfast. Like sausage, bacon, eggs and toast."
Me: "Oh no I'm good, that all to much. I just want cereal."
Misha: "Okay you sit I'll pour you some cereal."
Me: "Misha cook them breakfast and I'll pour my own cereal."

I gave him a thumbs up and walked off into the kitchen. Misha soon ran in after me blocking me against the counter, we were face to face.

Me: "Misha I can do it myself, just let me do it!"

Misha: "I just wanted to do it for you, especially since you never answered or even looked at my texts. I just wanted to make piece with you after yesterday."

I pushed Misha away from me and grabbed a bowl from the cupboard and poured myself a small bowl of cereal.

Misha: "Is that all your eating?"
Me: "Misha shut up!"

He gave me a confused look, then he went to talk again but I walked out and left him cooking breakfast for Jensen and Jared. I slumped down in the sofa next to my Dad with my bowl in my lap.

Jensen: "What's up sweetheart?"

He said pulling me into his side, I shrugged my shoulders and carried on eating.

Jared: "You know you can tell us when something is up."
Me: "I know but I can promise you nothing is wrong. Oh Uhh Jake said that your security can get my stuff anytime next week."
Jensen: "Okay, any specific time range or na?"
Me: "I dunno; but prop go after 9 and no later then 4."
Jensen: "Okay so they are gunna arrive at 5am and leave at 10pm."

I hit his chest lightly and move out of his arms slightly, I finished my cereal and placed it on the table, as I did so I picked up the script they were going over.

Jared: "You know you should get back into acting. Your really talented and my kinda love watching your films."
Me: "I was thinking about it; but I dunno. All the Comic-Con's and red carpets scare me. I mean you all know I hate when I'm in a crowded room I get overwhelmed, I just don't think I'll be able to do all that again."
Jensen: "And we totally understand that, which is why you will always have someone with you in case you get overwhelmed, more specifically me or if I can't make it my security."
Jared: "Or me! You know I love a good red carpet and i would love to be the one that gets to take all the photos by your side."
Me: "I would love that but I'm sure Genevieve would prefer if you went with her and not me, just live how Daneel would prefer to go with you Dad and I don't like having security all around me 24/7 so just like before I would be alone."
Jensen. "I'm sure Misha wouldn't mind filling the spot."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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