Chapter 12 - Graduation‼️‼️

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Jeongin shakes his head slightly and chuckles, walking over to meet up with his friends.

Today was the day.

The day he was finally waiting for. The day he thought would never come based on his gpa and detention to no detention ratio. Along with his teacher-loves-him to teacher-despises-him ratio.

Both were surprisingly one sided.

Nonetheless, the boy made it. He was really graduating highschool. He didn't fail. He didn't get held back. Though it was by a slim amount, he still passed.

Even though some part of his future could be completely ruined, Jeongin had hope now. Now that he graduated, he could finally break out the chains of his struggling academic life. Though he was going to attend a few buisness and statistics classes under his parents request, he could begin to focus on his future.

He wanted to travel. He wanted to explore new flowers in new places. He wanted to escape from his parents watch. Maybe a simple life in the countryside?

Whatever it may be, he could do it. The only thing weighing him down at the moment was his impending marriage.

Though after his success with a school, he was sure him and Chan could find a way to break it off.

Then he would never get to see Chan again...

What would he do if Chan wasn't here....?

Jeongin shakes his head of anxious thoughts as he gets into the line full of students. Today was going to be a good day. Jeongin had finally accomplished something.


"Yang Jeongin!"

At his name being called, Jeongin walks up the stairs toward the stage. Immediately, he could hear cheers coming from a section of the crowd. He looks over to see Chan jumping up and down with his arms making a heart above his head and Jungwon next to him screaming at the top of his lungs, and even jay was cheering next to him.

But it was only those three

He knew seungmin and Hyunjin were in the line behind him so they couldn't cheer, but his parents weren't there either.

Jeongin lets out a small sigh but he doesn't let it get to him. Putting on a bright smile, he walks over to the principal he absolutely hated with all his guts and shook her hand. Giving her his best smile. He then accepts his diploma and turns to the camera in the middle of the stage.

He poses with his diploma and after the cameras click he walks off the stage, running to the people who had come to celebrate him.

He jumps into Chan's arms, the older hadn't even seen him coming but he immediately wrapped his arms around the younger and spun him around as they chuckled in joy.

"You did it hyung!.." Jungwon stood behind him with teary eyes. He would later threaten his brother to not tell a soul that he shed any tears. But in this moment they were too happy to care.

"Nice job Jeongin hyung!" Even Jay sends two thumbs up to him from behind Jungwon.

"Innie..." Chan pulls away, his arm still around the boys waist. "I'm so proud of you. I knew you could do it!"

Jeongin heart felt like it was going to explode with happiness. He was so moved even he felt some tears threatening to fall.

No one had ever told him that they were proud of him. His fiance was the first. Chan was the only person he could look up to and rely on. He was the only one to be there for him.

He would be forever thankful.

The camera man from earlier roamed through the crowd of families, when he spots the group he smiles and points his camera at us.

The four of us line up with Jeongin in the middle, his smile so large that his eyes disappeared and were replaced with cute dimples on his cheeks. He held his diploma to the camera and the other three huddled around him.

"Say Kimchi!" The camera man shouts before clicking the button and pulls out the photo paper. Shaking it as it develops.

He hands it to Chan who thanks him with a bow. Everyone was smiling brightly. Even though Jeongins real parents weren't here, he truely felt at home.

Chan handed Jeongin and Jungwon the picture as they immediately burst out laughing while pointing at jays goofy face in the photo. He had unexpectedly put a V to his eye almost in an aegyo form. This picture was surely going down in history.

Jungwon lets out his last sweet giggle, "Can we go to McDonalds now?"


I was too lazy to wait and post it when one of my books ended so I'll jus do it now

Hope you enjoyed!

Arranged - Jeongchanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن