My Bat Mitzvah

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Today, it's finally my Bat Mitzvah, today I'm finally going to become a woman

─ Today is your big day! - Emma shouted entering my room

─ Good morning to you too Emma - I yawned, still sleepy.

I got up and went to take a shower, in the afternoon there will be Torah reading. One thing that worries me is whether Stacy will show up


Now I'm finishing up doing my hair to go to synagogue. When I left the house with my parents and we went to synagogue, my mother and Emma went the whole way trying to calm me down. When we get there, I see almost everyone I invited sitting, with the exception of Stacy, and Rabbi Rebecca at the altar. I read the Torah and when it was time to read my speech, Stacy entered the synagogue with all her might

─ Hello everyone, today, on this very special day, I want to share with you a little of my journey, full of incredible people and moments that define me. Firstly, I cannot fail to mention the importance of my mother and my sister, Emma. I can't express enough how much I love them. They are my safe haven, my inspiration and my constant support. The love I feel for them transcends words, and each day with them is a gift that I value immensely. Friendships with Nikki, Tara and Lydia are also very important. They are the pillar of my life, my companions at all times. Together, we face challenges, laugh endlessly and build priceless memories. The friendship we share is a treasure that I deeply value, and is living proof that unity overcomes any obstacle. However, life is not always made up of happy moments, and there is one memory that still affects me. It was a moment of deep hurt when Stacy spread those cruel words about Andy Goldfarb and me. Saying that I was fake for hanging out with him, even though she knows that my mother and his are best friends. I was hurt, I felt like the trust I had built with her was crumbling. As much as we haven't sorted it out yet, I just wanted to say, I miss you Stacy. Oh, of course, I can't forget that Mateo and Andy also have a special place in my heart. They are not just friends, they are part of my family. The affection I have for them is deep and sincere, and sharing moments with them is a blessing that makes me feel complete. Last but not least, there is Aaron. Our friendship is one of the greatest joys of my life. together, we discover the beauty of making a difference through our Mitzvah projects. The passion we share for good and the admiration I feel for it grows every day. Aaron is an amazing person, and I'm grateful to have him in my life. Since we started bumping into each other in places, talking and going out together, I started to notice that I really like him, he's an incredible boy, his blue eyes are often mesmerizing. Today, as we celebrate together, I want to thank each and every one of you for being a part of my journey. You are the ones who make me who I am, and it is through these special relationships that I find meaning and joy in life. Thank you for being here today to share this moment with me. It's an honor to share my life with wonderful people like you

"𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐜𝐮𝐭𝐞, 𝐀𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐧!" - ENजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें