he's still alive

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Everything was black until Halloween 5 flashed onto the screen in a reddish orange glow before a knife can be heard slicing as flashes of a blade beeping slashed in shown repeating before a evil smiling cut up Jack O'Lantern was shown as everything fades as sirens are are head as a road was shown with cop cars speeding down.

The truck Nevaeh was shown driving around the road trying to make Michael fly off but has a good grip before she steps of the breaks causeing him to go flying off.

She turns to Rachel and Jamie "do not get out this truck"she says before getting out as she storms towards Michael "come on Michael let's finish this once and for all"she growls before speeding towards Michael as they crash through the cemetery as they soon lunge at each other.

Michael goes to slash at her with his good arms before she ducks and grabs his arm before stabbing him in the shoulder with a large piece of stone"your through messing with my family!!"she roars before dropping him onto the ground.

She hears vehicles approaching as she turns to see many police cards not seeing Micheal clutch his knife riseing up behind her."get down!"the sheriff ordered as Nevaeh drops to the ground as they opened fire on Micheal as he jerks do to the bullets before he falls into a whole as a grave stone falls with him.

Nevaeh gets up as she looks down the whole with a cold look"enjoy a misery lifetime in hell"she says before walking away.

"You are one bad ass"Caroline says as she watches with a wife smiles.

Nevaeh smiles"thank you I'll do anything to protect my family"she says leaning into her mate.

Underground where Michael had fallen deeply as water can be heard dripping as he was shown crawling as he his hand reaches out touching a puddle of water as he pulls him self forward before the cops are shown up above the whole as they drop a spraking thing of dynamite down below as it explodes with a roar of flames as Nevaeh holds Rachel and Jamie close protecting them.

As the flames roar out Michael can be seen pulling him self loose from between a set of roars having dodged the explosion before falling into the river being carried away.

"Man he just can't stay fuckin dead"Damon says with disbelief on how many times this dude has died.

Michael counties to float down the river before he managed to grab onto a fishing net as he pulls up self onto his feet as an old man's home was shown as he waddles slowly through the water.

An old man was shown as candles gave him light as her was eating dinner out of an old pot as a bird can be heard squawking as the old man puts the pot down "quiet tookie."he tells his bird who squawks"be quiet"the old man says once again as Michael was shown slowly walking towards the home as he drips soaking wet from the river as he steps on a branch making it snap loudly.

The old man looks up hearing a branch snapping as the bird tookie squawks. The old man gets up from his chair as he walks over what looked like a door as he slowly opens it as I looks outside he steps out the door into the night as he looks around as leaves can be heard crunching as he looks around before walking around the outside of his home as the bird can be heard squawking before the old man was shown walking back into his home as he closes the door "there's nothing out there, tookie"he says locking the latch back as he turns around before gasping as Micheal grabs him by the neck as the old man choked.

Many having not expected that scream in shock as Jackie whimpers burning her head in her mother's neck as Nevaeh holds her while calming her daughter down.

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