I took a deep breath, wiping away a tear. "I know you'll wake up soon, and we'll be able to do all the things we love again together. I miss you so much."

I blew a kiss towards the camera, feeling a mix of sadness and hopefulness. "Love you, Micah."


"Hey babe, it's Day 26. I hope you're hearing this and that you're getting better." I paused, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"Today, I decided to do something for you. You used to love homemade cookies, especially the oatmeal raisin ones." I held up a plate of warm, freshly-baked cookies to the camera. "I made some for you."

"I also brought your favorite book." I held up a well-worn copy of "The Lord of the Rings". "I know you love this book, and I thought reading it may help bring you back to us."

I walked over to Micah's bed and held the plate of cookies in front of him. "I made your favorite cookies, Micah. I hope you can taste them even in your sleep."

I placed the book on his bedside table and flipped to a random page. "I'll read to you if that's okay. Maybe it'll remind you of our cozy weekends when we would read together for hours."

I read a few pages of "The Lord of the Rings", my voice soft and soothing as I tried to create a sense of calm and familiarity for Micah.

"I love you," I whispered as I finished reading. I smiled softly, feeling a rush of warmth at the memory. "I miss you so much, Micah. But I know that you're a fighter, and you'll make it through this. I'm here for you, always."

I ended the recording, feeling a pang of sadness in my chest. It wasn't easy doing these vlog diaries, but I knew it was important to keep Micah connected to the world outside of his room.


"Hi, Micah. Today is Day 27. I can't believe it's already been almost a month since I started this vlog. Time moves so slowly when you're waiting for someone to wake up."

I took a deep breath, trying to compose myself. It was a struggle to stay optimistic, knowing that every day that went by without Micah waking up was another day lost.

"I talked to the doctors today, and they said that there hasn't been any change in your condition. But I keep telling myself that it's just a matter of time. You're strong, Micah. I know you'll pull through."

I paused, taking a moment to collect my thoughts. "I went back to the park near your apartment today. It was the same one where we had our first picnic together. Do you remember that day? It was so perfect, just like you."

"Please come back to me soon, Micah. I'm waiting for you."


"Hey, Micah, it's Day 30," I said, holding up the camera, "I visited the studio again today." I took a deep breath, my heart heavy with disappointment. "The secretary said it might take a few months before they open the classes again. The artist, Ms. Walsh is apparently busy with exhibitions and other projects right now."

I looked at the camera, trying to put on a brave face. "I know I was looking forward to starting art classes, but I just have to be patient, right?" I said, forcing a smile.

I turned to look at the stoplight before glancing at the camera again. "I wish you could be here with me, love. We could work on our art together." I said, sighing. "But I know you're going to wake up soon, and we'll be able to do all the things we love together again."

I breathed out a sigh, my eyes filling with tears. "I miss you so much, Micah. I miss your laugh and your smile and the way you make me feel. Every day without you feels like an eternity."

I slowed down before parking my car on the side. "But I know you're going to wake up soon. You have to. I need you here with me, Micah. I need you to come back to me." I ended the recording before breaking down in tears.

It was hard to be strong all the time, to keep up the facade that everything would be okay, when deep down, I was scared and unsure. I wiped my tears away and took a deep breath, trying to push away the sadness. But it was always there, lurking behind my smile.

I looked at Micah's photo on my phone, hoping he could somehow feel my love and support. "I'll keep doing these vlogs, Micah," I said, my voice shaky. "I'll keep you updated about everything that's going on in my life, and I know that one day soon, you'll be able to watch them and smile again."

"Please wake up soon, Micah," I whispered. "I need you more than ever."


"Oh Micah, you won't believe what a busy day I had," I said towards the camera. "It's Day 37 and we've got the most exciting events coming up."

I took a deep breath and continued, "It's been hard doing these events without you by my side. You're the one who always has the capability to make me feel understood, and being without you makes everything feel incomplete."

"But at the same time, I know you wouldn't want me to stop living or doing what I love," I paused briefly, a small smile making its way to my face. "I can see you telling me to stop sulking and get back to work. It's that fighting spirit of yours that helps us get through these tough times."

"I want you to know that I'll keep doing my best and keep making proud of me when you wake up." I turned to look at the camera once more, smiling lightly. "Please wake up soon, Micah. I need you by my side."


(A/N:). Next Chapter could potentially be the chapter of their first meeting.

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