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You lived in a quaint apartment complex overlooking Manhattan, your job - a Special Operative Agent with Shield. Your work could be very taxing, working late hours and early mornings that sometimes left you sleeping at the base because you were too tired to go home.

The keys clicked into the door as they locked it, footsteps coming from behind you down the hall. You looked down, spotting your neighbour walking toward you.

"Morning, Bucky." You smiled, him grunting in response and walking out the door and down the stairs. This was normal for you, but you still made sure to say hi everytime you saw him. You always admired his courage for what he went through back in Russia, and one day hoped to hear him say good morning back - you couldn't see this happening in your lifetime.

You headed down the stairs and into the building's parking complex, unlocking the door of your Shield class car and placing your travel mug into the holder. Your fingers gripped the wheel tightly, tensing with your hold. It was too early to be angry, but you knew today was going to be a hard day. The debriefing yesterday had already set you up for todays work, and it definetely wasn't going to be easy. You flicked the ignition and pulled out, spiralling down the complex and hitting the main road. As you got to the first red light, you put some music on and turned the dial up to an acceptable volume, humming along to the radio as you drove to the Shield base. The drive was pointless, you could walk if you really wanted to it was so close to home.

A voice rang out through the PA at the base, calling all active Agents to the conference room. The threat from the debrief yesterday had escelated seriously - a mission needing to be organised, and quickly. Your lukewarm coffee slid down your throat in a big gulp as you walked to the conference room, opening the door to atleast a dozen agents sat around the table, breakfast foods laid out down the middle. You pulled out a chair and sat down, grabbed a split and buttered bagel and took a bite into one half.

"Anyone know what's going on now?" You asked, still half asleep.

"We're not sure yet, Jen, Fury's on his way down. Said it's urgent." An agent chimed from across the table, looking up toward you.

"I'd expect him to be here already if it's that urgent." You laughed and took another harsh bite of your bagel. You'd spoke too soon as the door opened, Director Nick Fury walking in and standing at the left end of the table, leaning forward and placing his palms on it.

"There was another attack in London last night. The Chitauri ripped up half the city. Loki wasn't there and his trackers have gone offline. He's off grid. I'm assembling three teams to go there tonight and I need everything you can find picked up and brought back as soon as possible."

You swallowed a swig of your coffee hard, knowing you would be one of the chosen ones. You hated the missions outside of the US, they were always the more difficult ones and they were rarely ever solved with just a few agents.

"Dean, Hill, Coulson - you're on team one. You'll have the help of a favour I pulled from Tony Stark."

"Who's the favour?" Taking another bite of your bagel.

"Sergeant James Barnes." You almost choked when you heard Nick say his name. This was about to become even worse - the most awkward mission you could imagine. "Dean, you'll be staying with Barnes, Hill and Coulson will be staying together."

"Why do I have to babysit him?"

"Because you know him better than us."

You scoffed. "We live a few doors apart and he dosen't even speak to me, I wouldn't call that knowing him."

"A few doors apart is more than enough for you two to partner up. Deal with it." You leant back in your chair, spinning ever so slightly to the side in annoyance. This was your worst nightmare. He couldn't ignore you for long now.

The Agent Next Door - Bucky Barnes Ememies To LoversWhere stories live. Discover now