s1 e3: No good horses

Start from the beginning


I walk from my chair on daddy's front porch towards where the wranglers are working in the arenas. I stand beside Miss Beth who is leaning on the fence looking at the group. They're taking bets on roping the practice calf which is being dragged by another worker on the quad. I listen to them whoop and holler encouraging the ropers to get it. "Oh, shit! You just got beat by some women!" Daddy says to Ryan who is laughing. Lloyd walks past Ryan, "You rope like shit." I hear Beth laughing to herself which makes me laugh. "You're the one that missed!" Ryan throws back at Lloyd. "Y'all rope like shit. I'm gonna take those women with me today," Daddy jokes. "Hell, even Livvy ropes better than you, Ryan!" Lloyd tells the group. "Livvy learned to rope? Since when?" Daddy asks, turning around seeing me standing next to Beth. "Since this she asked me to teach her. Girl's got a good arm, Rip. Have to watch out for her," Lloyd says laughing.

"Can we talk for a minute?" asks a voice from behind us. I turn and see Mr. Dutton standing there with his hat and sunglasses on. I walk up to him and give him a hug before going back and sitting on the top rung of the fence. Beth turns to him, smiling, "Sure." They walk away and I hear daddy say, "Ladies? Think you can go two for two? Get your ass in there, let's go." I grin at the family in the arena. I watch daddy walk over to me on the horse.

"You learned to rope today?" He grins towards me. "Yup! Mr. Lloyd taught me. I'm pretty good at it daddy, if I say so myself," I say shrugging my shoulders trying to be nonchalant. "Well, baby, get any better and I guess we're gonna have to buy you your own rope." My smile grows wider at the thought and I cheer in my head. "Well I'll practice every day then." He rides back to the group while I stay seated. I look over to the Dutton's house, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion at the group of fancy men that had appeared.


That night, I sat with the wranglers watching and listening to them talk around the table. It's dark outside, so I know I need to be inside at home soon for bedtime if I don't want to make Daddy mad. I bid my goodbyes giving everyone hugs and kisses (except for Jimmy who sticks his tongue out at me after I give him the middle finger). As I am walking out, I hear voices from the barn. Whoever it is, is really upset and arguing with the other. I'm quiet, peeking my head around the corner seeing Mr. Jaime and Miss Beth arguing. I'm not focused on what they're yelling about, but more the fact that Beth is beating on Jaime. I finally gasp quietly thinking no one would hear me as I see Jaime get up and punch Beth, who falls to the ground. Both of their eyes shift onto me. Realizing what I did, I took off running home so fast I don't think lightning could touch me. When I reach the porch, only then did I start taking deep breaths from the run. I enter the home seeing Daddy sitting on the couch. I grab myself a glass of water before getting ready for bed.

I lay there for a while before slowly sliding out from under my covers and down the side of my bed. I walk softly as I reach the end of the hallway where my daddy's room was. I open the door, shutting it behind me before pulling myself up to where my daddy is laying. "Daddy," I say softly, hoping he wasn't fully asleep. "Yes, darlin'?" he questions in his sleepy voice. "I think somethin bad is gonna happen." He opens his eyes fully, turning over to me. "If something happens, I promise with all my soul and heart, baby, that nothing will happen to you." I just nod, not wanting to think about anything anymore. He lays his arm out and I take that opportunity to bury myself into his side. I take slow breaths hoping sleep would take me fast.


I groan as the sunlight peeks through the curtain directly in my face. I lift my head to see that I shuffled into laying sideways in the bed throughout the night. I hope that Miss Beth is alright from Jaime hitting her. I start thinking of ways that I would be able to help. I thought maybe I could help Gator cook breakfast even though all of the cowboys had gone onto work. I slide out from Daddy's bed and go into the bathroom. I grabbed the step stool that Daddy had bought, so I could get ready without his help. I brush my teeth with the soft pink toothbrush and brush my hair down before grabbing my coat. I decided to leave the dinosaur pajamas on since I didn't plan on doing anything else today besides run around on the farm.

I go over to the Dutton's house before going to the side door and knocking. I look back towards the farm to see everyone working in the arenas. "Hey, Livvy. How can I help you?" I heard Gator ask. I turn back to the doorway where he stands. "Are you making breakfast? If so, can I help?" He nods and walks back to the kitchen. I follow him where I smell the breakfast cooking. "Here, you can stir the batter while I cook the bacon." I grab the step stool that was folded away and stand up. I help mix while chattering away with Gator when I hear someone walk down the stairs. I look as Beth enters and the side of her face was darker. She stops and stares at me and I stare back. I knew she wanted to ask me what I had seen or maybe tell me off for spying, but it wouldn't happen in front of anyone else. I gulp as I hand her a plate with some pancakes and strawberries. She takes it silently, nodding her thanks to Gator and I.

I finish up helping by washing the dishes and leaving the Dutton's. I walk over to the arena and climb up sitting on the top while hanging onto the pole next to me. I know Daddy said not to worry, but with this ranch, nothing will be safe.

This is shorter, but maybe the next one will be longer.

Also, I love the Jimmy rivalry like siblings

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