The letter

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a deep voice screamed she woke up in absolute shock her heart racing while she tries to turn on her light. She stops for a second. The wind blowing, the wolfs howling the cold air making her arm hair go up. " Kelsey are you okay we heard screaming?!" Said a soft but worried voice. " just a nightmare that's all " kelsey chuckles. She look at her bedside table, but what she was expecting wasn't there. " it'll come soon pumpkin don't worry! " Amos said with a big smile. " DAD THE EGGS THEY ARE BURNING!" Yelled a stern voice. Amos rolled his eyes and gave Kelsey a kiss on the forehead. " yes, yes I'm coming Cedric" he says looking back at kelsey with a grin.

A small family of three in a big cozy cottage by a lake. Kelsey was adopted by the diggorys when she was five years old, she grew up with the malfoys when she was a young soul but spends her days inside and writing stores about her childhood.

Kelsey goes to pet her cat. " morning lumi no letter yet" she sighed " but I'll get it soon though don't panic we will be on our way to Hogwarts in no time!" Lumi looked at her nodded and went back to sleep. " breakfast is ready sweetheart! " Amos yelled while pouring some fresh orange juice." It's delicious" Cedric mumbled, stuffing his face full of warm toast and gooey eggs.

SQUAWK! Goes an owl. "must be the mail"  Amos said giving Kelsey a smile." Bills, bills , ooh a coupon , daily prophet." He looks at you with an even bigger smile. " is it my Hogwarts letter?" Kelsey jumped up and down with excitement. Cedric rolled his eyes and said." Of course it is you dumb shit." she rolles her eyes at him, hugs Amos and runs up to her bedroom and closes the door. She opens the letter trying extremely hard to not ruin the packaging. This was the moment she's been dreaming of ever since she was told about Hogwarts. kelsey took a deep breath and began to read, the letter said 

To:   mrs Kelsey Diggory
         35 paramount drive

Dear mrs Diggory

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

Students shall be required to report to the chamber of reception upon arrival the dates for which shall be duly advised.

Please ensure that the utmost attention be made to the list of requirements attached herewith.

We very much look forward to receiving you as a part of the new generation of Hogwarts heritage.

Yours sincerely.
Professor McGonagall

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2023 ⏰

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