Year 3, 4 and summers

Start from the beginning

I also gave lius a sweater with the same colors but I added an extra green one, I also gave him a bracelet with the symbol of the deadly hallows charmed the same as roas.

What I didn't tell them was that it also had a tracking charm just in case they got kidnapped during the war or their in danger.

I also gave every professor who stayed over a socks charmed to always be dry and keep the wearers feet warm. I made sure to add their houses mascot at the side for example slughorns socks had a snakes and a potion vile sawn to either side, Minny had a cat and a lion, Fitwik had feathers and an eagle, Dumbledore had a phonex and on the side instead of an image was words that said " Hogwarts grandpa", he had laughed and thanked me which I just smiled to, I also got one for poppy it had a wand and words on the side that said fairy godmother.

I did notice the marauders stayed this year which was strange but maybe they were practicing to be animagus who knows.

At the end of the year this time our house won the house cup but lily was top student this year which surprised even her. I was second but I didn't mind there was always next year besides I was planning to drop hogwarts orchestra and muggle arts I could just self study those as a hobby, I also dropped dark arts which was fasinating at first but i soon realized how I sometimes got angrier faster after each class how it sort of got addicting,

At the beginning of class we had our cores checked out privately and turns out I was grey which could easily lean to both sides so just to be safe I only practice grey spells and light spells tho I would do a few dark spells if I see my core start leaning towards one side more I would like to keep my self as neutral as possible.

Summer soon arrived I was back to doing my part time job in the book store and hanging out with roa and lius.

Something new this summer was how Carter Richard kept visiting the bookstore I worked at. At first I thought It was a coincidence, then I thought he just wanted to be friends but by the end of the summer after we hang out alot I realized that it's cause he liked me.

I was surprised when I realized it but as I thought about it, wouldn't it be better to be with someone like Richard? I mean he was sweet, always treated me right remembered what I liked and didn't and a plus was that he wasn't part of the plot so i could date him without it affecting anyone so when we started forth year and he walked up to me with a rose flower during dinner time in the great hall asking me to go on a date to hogsmade with him I agreed.

It was great how he never pass the line he knew when i was uncomfortable with something so he would quickly amend what he was doing to my comfort, he always asked before holding hands, hugging or even to give me a kiss on my forehead soon I got closer to him and I thought I returned his feelings. I thought this was love I had never dated anyone in both lives and as embarrassing as it was to admit I died a virgin. So I was shy most of the time and Richard was ok with taking it slow.

So my forth year was fun, I had a boyfriend, loving friends and got first place. We also won the house cup so that's a plus.

I knew things wouldn't stay the same next year was O.W.L year and I knew we were two steps away from graduating and three steps away from war. A worry for later.

One more exciting thing that happened at the end of our fourth year was that Roa and lius finally decided to date. It was so cute how he took her to the astronomy tower which I had helped him decorate with flowers and fairy light it was magical I was almost jealous. Almost . 

He had stuttered though his speech, roa had to take charge and just kiss him half way through.

Made me realize how I had yet to kiss Richard, or rich as I call him now.

Anywho one summer night around the beginning of our break lius came to my home with his luggages apparently he got into a fight with his family when they found out he was dating roa who was a blood trator in their words. He refused to break up with her which led to him being disowned by his family after settling him down in one of the rooms we called roa over since she would have found out eventually and he needed the moral support we spent the night gossiping and insulting the malfoys until we finally fell asleep. Next morning he got an official letter showing he was actually disowned by the family.

It was a  spur of the moment thing I had asked if he wanted to be part of my family instead.  He could be a skeeter, Xenophilius skeeter had a cring ring to it but lius didn't care a few weeks later we went to Gringotts where we finalized the papers, we had a party that night it was also then as we lay on the carpet of the living room covered in blanket that I realized how I couldn't live with out my group of misfits.

So the next morning after breakfast I had sat liu and roa down on the chair. With a magical binding contract between us.

The contract said that everything I will be sharing with them will the truth and that I would be stripped of my magic if I lied and they couldn't tell anything I say to them to anyone in any shape or form of way and no one would be able to use legitmace or vertiserum to extract it from them.

They didn't hesitate to sign it they knew I would never joke about something as serious as this. After they signed it the contract was magically sent to my volt, a separate volt I made under a different name just incase.

I had told them everything and I mean everything staring from how my real name was Aquila, about my past life till how I died about my reincarnation and my life here about why I was distancing my self from the marauders and about the war, about voldy, about harry and the prophecy and last but not least I had told lius about the hollows what and where they were he practically jump at that point.

In the end they accepted me for who I was,  we grew more close knit then before.

We had started our training then. we started with things that we couldn't practice at school so we started with animagus training. It took dedication and motivation which we had in spades after two months with our perfect timing we were able to turn two days before the start of the year.

Lius was a white owl, while roa turned into a raven. Birds of a feather flock together I guess, Surprising enough I had two forms one was a Beatle same as Rita while the other was a white tiger.

On the train ride we prepared a schedule for what spells we would need to cover.  We planned to start early so as to have more time to study for our O.W.Ls.

We had a whole list hopefully enough time as well.

Another update for my lovely readers
I want to finish this fast before I start updating the rest of my books.

I realized that its hard to constantly change my perspective while writing.
As am writing different perspective and different personalitys of different characters from different times, so I want to focus on book at a time to finish them faster.

If I don't lose my motivation to update I will probably finish this book this week or the next.

Here is to hoping 🍷

Don't forget to comment any feedback helps me improve my writing or vote that helps too for motivation.

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