!! Yr 3 !! (~Death by bird~)

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She freezes, her shoulders visibly tensing as she lets out an awkward laugh.

"Whaaaaaaaaaat!? No! I-i don't look at you! Even with glasses your still blind, merlin." She says before briskly walking away, not giving me a chance to say anything. I could see her sit down next to her friends, Daphne Greengrass -a girl with bright blonde hair and blue eyes- and Pansy Parkinson -a girl with a dreadful black bob and a face that resembled a pug-. I turned back to my own friends, who were still somehow arguing about merlin knows what. 

"I'm going to go to class early, want to come with me?" I ask, trying to get their attention and failing. I rolled my eyes and just walked away, not sure where to go. 

I wandered the halls, thinking about anything and everything. About my parents, Voldemort, all of the near-death experiences I've had in the last two years, my friends constant arguing, Sirius Black, the dementors, even Y/n popped into my head. I'm not sure why she did...but I didn't mind it. 

The sound of the bell ringing brought me back to reality, and quickly made me realize I would be late if I didn't hurry. "Just brilliant," I mumble as I run through the now busy halls of Hogwarts, trying to get to wherever the divination classroom is.

I suddenly collided with someone, the both of us dropping to the ground. I lifted myself up as best as I could, my arms on either side of the persons head as the people around us kept moving, not giving us space to get up. I look down to apologize when I finally recognize who it is that I bumped into.

"Sor- Oh, it's you." I say, looking down at her with a smirk. "You know, this is starting to be a tradition. At least this time you're the one I landed on," She rubs her head with a small huff of annoyance leaving her lips. She tries to push on my chest, but I don't budge. 

She lets out a grumble and furrows her eyebrows, "I think you're starting to do this on purpose, there is no way a person can be that blind. Merlin, it's like your obsessed with me or something," The corner of her lips tilt up slightly, resembling the smallest ghost of a smirk.

Just as I was about to respond, something pushed me -or someone- I looked up to see none other than Blaise Zabini with his had stretched out to Y/n, helping her up. 

"The hallways are empty now, in case you hadn't noticed. You can leave her alone now, Potter," the boy looked me up and down as I stared at Y/n, a weird feeling forming in the pit of my stomach. I didn't like him. I didn't like him touching her. I shook off the the feeling with a tilt of my head.

"Right, sorry," I said bluntly, getting up from the ground and dusting myself off. I turn to make my way to class. I made one more glance toward the y/h/c girl and walked off. He can have her. What do I care anyway? 

'The hallways are empty now, in case you hadn't noticed' 

Blah blah blah

'You can leave her alone now, Potter'

I wasn't even bothering her, Zabini. Just ask her yourself you pineapple shaped head arsehole. She would pick me over you any day. Not that I would want her to, I can barely stand her as it is. Besides, I don't care. I do not care.

"I DON'T CARE!" I yelled, slamming my fist into the wall as I turned the corner. A few students that were making their way towards the stairs that led to the divination classroom stopped to stare at me as I looked up, glaring at them. 

Ron, who was apart of the group making their way up the stairs, walked over to me. "Are you okay, mate? And where did you go earlier? Hermione and I looked up and you were gone," Ron bombards me with questions, concern etched quite clearly on his face

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