
Reneé started shaking, still yelling at Polo to leave her house. He realized he probably shouldn't leave her alone in this state.

Her yelling had calmed into short, breathy whispers.

"Get out.. leave me alone.." She whispered very quietly, sitting on the floor with her back against the warm dishwasher, which usually helped calm her during her attacks.

"I'm sorry, Reneé.. it's ok, shh shh.." He comforted her, standing on his knees, hugging her shaking body.

"Everyone always takes her side? 'Reneé, be like your big sister', 'Reneé if you covered your body more like Amari you wouldn't be so uncomfortable around men', 'Reneé he does love me, you're just being a bitch and jealous'. No! Reneé is just tryna help!" She cried, harder.

She looked up at the taller man that still had his arms around her, "Why does everyone hate me, Polo.. they keep saying I'm a bad aunt, and that I am neglecting the kids just as much as Amari n Von."

Polo shook his head, sitting on the floor next to her, grabbing her chin, turning her face towards him, "You're not a bad aunt, Reneé. I don't know your situation specifically but for weeks straight I seen and heard you takin' care of them babies. You even went out n bought em food n diapers. I'm not gonna lie, I did try ta holla at ya sista, I don't know how you gone feel about it but imma just be real."

He paused for a moment, staring at her face waiting for a reaction, she simply just nodded.

"But- Reneé, I've known you for a lil while and I have never seen you like this, ta be honest ion like it. You always strong n confident, bold, smart, sexy." He chuckled, making her giggle a little as well.

He felt better now that she'd stopped shaking and crying, he slowly stood up, helping her up as well, picking her up bridal style, taking her in her bedroom.


"Thank you.. so much, Taurus." Reneé smiled at the man standing across from her.

He had ran her a bath, putting some calming epsom salt in it so she could relax a little more and her limbs could regain their strength after all that shaking.

"It's no problem, Nae." He smiled, showing his straight, pearly white teeth.

"So.. are you thinking about actually talking to my sister?" She asked, wanting to revisit the topic from earlier.

"I guess you didn't take it that well, huh?" He sat at her feet, rubbing her sore thighs.

"No, I don't care, I'm just asking. I've known you longer than her, Taurus, and after today.. I think I have a little crush on you, like even now.. you're rubbing my thighs and I can't help but think about the fact that you also wanna talk to my sister." She whispered.

"I just got her instagram, that's all. I haven't even dmed her, but Reneé, if I'm being honest, I like you a lil too, I definitely think this experience made me like you more, seeing you so vulnerable-" He spoke, making Renee's eyes widen.

"You only want me cause I'm vulnerable..." She whispered, pulling the covers over her body, hiding from any other form of physical touch, "You just wanna use me, like everybody else. I'm don't letting people use me. Sexually, emotionally, mentally, everybody has fucked me over and fucked me up!" She shook her head.

"No, no, I didn't mean it like that, Nae." He took his shoes off, climbing up the bed to lay next to her, putting her head in his chest.

"I just mean that seeing how emotional you really are, truly made me appreciate you as a person and like you even more because I know you aren't just this steel fortress and force to be reckoned with. That you feel emotions like anyone else and you actually are way more sensitive than I am used to. It makes me respect you a lot more in a way, not that I didn't before.. it truly showed me how strong you are." He finished with a smile.

Reneé sat there wide-eyed, feeling star struck almost, the fact that a man, unlike the other ones that she knew.. was genuinely appreciating her, her body, her emotions, without abusing them.

"I love you, Taurus."


Hi! I love y'all! Thank you all for the support! Once I finish editing and republishing this book I will be updating Body Bag, don't worry my loves 🩷!


ty all for the support my heartiesss🏴‍☠️🖤

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