Metal- Secret *F/A*

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Her unit had been disbanded and absorbed into others while she'd gotten thrown into Bravo. It wasn't the worst thing that could have happened to her, they'd known each other for some time now. That was the one thing about the military most people couldn't fathom, how humans of all backgrounds, etc. could mingle albeit in a dark humor-filled sort of harmony.

She wasn't exactly looking forward to another long stretch in JBAD, she'd already spent six months there before her unit was split up. Only had less than a month stateside before getting sent back with Bravo, but there never seemed to be a dull moment when those idiots were involved on a deployment.

"So when do we get to meet this fella of yours?" Sonny had been badgering her since dinner.

"Never," she snorted a laugh poking a stick into the firepit.

They'd been sitting around the fire and the ramshackle tiki bar Bravo had rebuilt. Trying to unwind and relax after a stressful couple of weeks.

"I think it's only fair we get to judge whether he's good enough for you." Ray forever the fatherly/older brother since she'd joined their demented team. He grinned around the fire at all his brothers who seemed to agree.

She quickly snuck a glance at Metal expecting him to be lost in a thoughtful daze staring at the flames but his gaze was locked on her. The smallest of smiles barely curling up at the edges of his mouth, almost unnoticeable, but she knew that look.

"He's..." mulling over her words carefully. "It's complicated."

"Oh, so he's married." Jason teased, erupting in laughter when she spit out her beer in shock at the implication.

"What?! No! I mean he was a long, long time ago but not now." Her death glare was nowhere as intimidating as she'd like it to be. Perhaps that was why some of the guys jokingly called her 'Cinnamon Roll'.

"He too short and you're embarrassed by it?" Sonny quipped with a wink.

"Tall," she chuckled, her grin turned mischievous. "I climb that fine specimen of an Alpha male like a tree." Her brothers-in-arms groaned grossed out at her statement ending in annoyed laughter.

"Why's it complicated then?" Clay eyed her suspiciously. He had that nagging feeling, that one of knowing something's off but you can't put your finger on just what.

She let herself get lost in the flames. Watching the embers crackle and burst into the air. It was easier when they weren't in the same unit, now everything had to be hush hush. They had to constantly look over their shoulder wondering if they were making it too obvious.

"I'm invoking the 5th," she sighed slumping back into her chair. "I'll pay a case a piece stateside."

"Have we met him already?" Brock petted Cerberus beside him.

Her eyes locked on Metal's again but all she could think of staring into those endless stormy orbs was him coming out of the shower dripping wet with a towel wrapped low around his waist and a hungry look in his eyes. The same look he was giving her now.

"Possibly," she gulped wishing for a change in the subject but none of them seemed to want to drop it since she'd accidentally said the word 'boyfriend' three days ago.

It was a slip of the tongue. They hadn't 'declared' anything between them. It wasn't like they'd had the 'talk'. Both of them we having fun and not willing to make a fuss about whatever they were. It'd been an endless joyride and now that she thought about it, one that'd been going on for almost two years.

That was a conversation they needed to have but neither had the greatest experiences with healthy relationships in the past. Both were too used to partners who were selfish and toxic, people who made red flags seem green until they weren't.

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