Chapter two

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Chapter Two

↳"Bounding time

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"Bounding time."

It's been a week since the Garcia siblings and Reyna joined the Power Rangers team. Amalia was excited to have two girls on the team, despite Reyna being rather distant and barely speaking to anyone who weren't Zayto or Solon. Better than being completely ignored by her like she did with javi. But Amelia and Izzy thought it would be enough for her to act like that especially since Zayto always talked highly about her. Not only because she was the princess but a good friend. The two girls wanted to have just a girls day with her and maybe try to get to train with them, considering she only had watched from the distance, trained alone or just with Zayto.

The first day after the Garcia siblings joined, they trained to morph and everyone was there. Okay Reyna wasn't with them but she was in the base. Zayto showed them how to morph for the third time and then all of them morphed together or at least tried to. Reyna walked in and got more water to draw, from the kitchen. She had to walk past the others. Causing the Garcia siblings to lose concentration and Javi even dropped his Dino Key.
"Reyna! You want to help us to morph?," Javi asked her causing her to jump at the sudden excitement. She picked up his Dino key and threw it harshly at him. Then shook her head and walked away. Javi didn't caught the Dino Key and it fell on the floor again. His brown eyes followed Reyna leave the room with a frown. Making Zayto sign. He apologised for Reyna's behaviour and picked up Javi's key.

Reyna shorty came back and stayed. Which surprised Zayto, he didn't excepted her to be back so soon. She then even gave Izzy a better explanation on how to put the Dino Key in, indirectly she helped Javi too. Showing it with morphing slowly in front of them. Javi watched the raven haired and did morphed alongside, Izzy and Reyna for the first time this day. Before neither of the siblings could thank her, she left.
"I guess her daily dose of us was already enough," Izzy joked about her sudden disappearance. Over the days she stayed a bit longer around them. It took her a week to actually stay around for more than an hour. That's when the girls decided to do their plan.

The two made themselves ready and then went to to Reyna's room, they knocked on the door. They hoped she was awake.
"Go away zayto," a voice grumbled from the other side. The two girls shared a look of encouragement towards each other.
"Actually it's Amalia and Izzy, we were wondering if you wanted to go shopping with us?," Amalia asked in a hopeful voice. They weren't sure if Reyna even know what it meant but since Reyna would need modern clothes, they thought it would be a good bounding time activity.
"You might not have money but we have and it's on us!," Izzy added. It wasn't Izzy's money, more Javis and her parents but she would gladly pay for Reyna.

Reyna was still laying in bed, after having woken by many nightmares during the night. She had wanted to get closer to the others but what if they would die like her older teammates and everyone else she had loved?
Considering the offer, the Rafkonian got up and opened the door. Besides if she doesn't actually start interacting with them. Zayto threatened to chain her to him or even worse to Javi. Because apparently she wasn't that subtle with ignoring him and therefore to avoid that, why not spend time with the girls? Her Zelie, Zola and Orna used to do that all the time. She moved to the side and invited the two in.
"Let me change first," she muttered and walked to her closet. The two girls shared a triumphed look.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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