Time Walking on Memory

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Setelah menonton Single Inferno 1 (baru 2 episode sih), aku sadar bahwa cewek kayak Jia gak menarik cowok yang tulus dengannya. Tapi malah hanya mengundang cowok yang hanya penasaran.

Ketika sekelompok cowok penasaran, satu orang yang bisa memenangkan dia akan merasa di atas angin.

Then, they will move on to the next competition.

I've been there, several times.

I don't know what is so attractive about the indifferent but also caring attitude (as a fellow human being) that I show. I act nice because I am a good person but some people misunderstand me. Thought I liked them.

I can't understand.

- eps 3
Tuh kan. Abis date, si cowok langsung gak tertarik lagi. Parah emang.

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