I Am Unicorn

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Somewhere, West Side Story- Performed by Rachel Berry and Shelby Corcoran
Way Down We Go, KALEO- Performed by Nicholas Henley
Angry Woman, Ashe- Performed by Quinn Fabray
I'm The Greatest Star, Funny Girl- Performed by Kurt Hummel
Something's Coming, West Side Story- Performed by Blaine Anderson
The Show, Niall Horan- Performed by Nicholas Henley

I Am Unicorn

"Sooo why am I here?" Nick asks Coach Williams, as he sits down in his office. He looks around and sees the pictures of himself, Daisy and Wilma from their holiday in the summer.
"Captaincy son! I want you to be the captain this year." The man tells Nick who shuffles uncomfortably in his chair, "Or not? You don't want to be captain?"
"No! I mean yes! Yes I—I do... more than anything, but..." Nick trails off.
"But?" The coach replies, raising an eyebrow, he can tell Nick is holding something back, "What's going on Nick?"

The boys stands up and paces back and forth, "They're all going to think it's because you adopted me." Coach laughs, "What! Come on iceman you can't be serious?"
"Yes! Yes I am serious! They've already told me!" Nick blurts out.
The coaches whole demeanour changes, "Wait...what? Who?"
Nick sits back down putting his head in his hands, "No—no I don't want this to become an issue... look Wal—coach maybe it'll just be easier if you don't give me the Captaincy." Nick stands up and grabs his bag, as he reaches the door he turns back, "See you at home!" Coach nods and then sits back in his chair contemplating what he can or should do to help.

Nick walked into the choir room.
"Ahhh Mr Henley falling back into old habits again are we of being late?" Mr Schue teases playfully, but Nicks face doesn't change, "Er Nick I'm only joking." Nick nods at him, "Sorry Mr Schue had a hockey meeting."
"Seriously Nick it's fine... okay so the musical and bootcamp. Nick you don't need to go to bootcamp but the options there if you want it!" Nick acknowledges what the man has said before taking his phone out.

Nick: Can we talk?

Nick met his cousin at lunch. The two sat on the back of his truck eating and catching up.
"So how's Delilah enjoying Berklee?" Mack asks her voice a little too eager. Nick raises an eyebrow at her, "Do you have a crush on my ex?"
"What no!" She says a little too defensively, "I mean she is like seriously hot, but no. Talking about you and girls though. What the hell has happened to Quinn?"
"It's complicated." Nick replies taking a bite of his sandwich.
"It always is with you two!" Mack mutters under her breath.
"Hey I heard that!" Nick muffles out in between bites, he goes to take another bite, but he stops in his tracks. Mack looks at where/who Nick is now staring at, "Why are you looking so intently at that lady?" However, she doesn't get an answer, she watches as her older cousin stands up and jogs towards the school, "Okay I'll just talk to myself instead!"

Nick follows the woman and watches as she walks into the teachers lounge. He hesitates, debating on whether to walk in or not, but then he realises Quinn most likely doesn't know yet. He scurries away from the door, trying to figure out where she may be. He turns onto the main corridor and he sees the skanks leave the bathroom, but without Quinn. He rushes over to them, "Hey where's Fabray?"
"Why should I tell you pretty boy?" One of them gets up in his face.
"Because I need to speak to her. It's important! Look please?" He practically begs. One of them rolls her eyes, "God because you're so desperate I'll tell you. She's in there... but she's with..." Nick doesn't wait to find out and pushes the door open, "Coach Sylvester?"

"Ah if it isn't the bastard child of Lincoln Henley. This is the girls bathroom buddy!" The coach looks at the boy. He ignores her, "Quinn, I— I think you should know... Shelby she's at the school."
"You mean the new teacher of our new glee club, Miss Corcoran?" Coach Sylvester inputs with a smug look. Nick looks at Quinn who is stood at the sinks, "I just I thought you should know."
She slightly nods at the boy and then looks back at Sue, "What do you need from me coach?"

Stubborn Love- Quinn FabrayDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu