PART FOUR ◇• 🌑°.•◇

Start from the beginning

AH took a step back and bowed as a kind of honour and gratitude.

The Empire's face became red in sudden shame and confusion. He did not know how to react to these highly laudative words of AH.

He gulped and nervously chuckeled.

"Uhh...No I was not-... offended... And me helping you was nothing, really." he said.

"Of course it was something! You literally saved my life!" exclaimed AH in indignation.

The Empire blushed even more and looked away, unable to say anything.

" ..."

In the short silence, AH reached up and tried to pull out the hair decoration that was hanging before his eye from his colourful messy hair.
However, he quivered in pain as soon as he tore out some of his hair too.

"Uhh..." he sighed with a frown. He was really smart to put so many decoration in his hair... He pulled his lips to the side in bitter as he stared at the red and green gem hair decoration.

He must look like a pathetic beaten up homeless right now...

And as a sort of habit when he was thinking- he lifted his hand to adjust his glasses...
- which weren't on his face...

The Empire watched as AH's previously happy and delightful expression entirely dropped in a mere split second. The gem hair decoration slipped out of his red and green hands and loudly knocked on the solid floor.

His face reddened, a hopeless and fearful misery darkening his face.

AH spun around, his houlders going up and down as his panic rose- and his breaths quickened.

A teardrop slowly slid down his cheek and landed on his white dress as he saw his glasses laying on the marble floor - broken...

The adorable, detailed small crowns were twisted, some of the shiny cristal from them - missing. The Hungarian flag glass was cracked, while the Austrian flag side- where he recieved the punch from- was completely broken, its colourful shreds covering the floor.

The Russian Empire destroyed it... Destroyed his one and only belonging...

AH's lips trembled as he walked to his former glasses.

He bent down then blankly with a distant look in his eyes.

Although his face morfed into a blank expression - his tears were still falling down his cheeks as if his eyes were melancholic, golden waterfalls.

"Austria-Hungary...?" asked the Empire softly in deep concern.

AH lifted his hand up - covering his eyes as his shoulders were shaking.

He made a sound like he was laughing at himself but not so long after it changed to undeniable, desparate sobs.

"I... I didn't have anything, you know..." He whispered, when he had calmed down a bit to be able to speak.

"I didn't have anything that was truly mine. Just mine..." his voice cracked as he lifted up the broken glasses. "Only this..."

The Empire frowned, frozen in motion. It was a miserable sight to see such a majestic and beautiful country in this broken state. It made his heart clenching, and after some debating in himself, the Empire bent down to AH's level and touched his shoulders, gently.

"Maybe I can fix them... I see these glasses meant so much to you..." He started quietly but still reserved. He still doubted AH's intention and following reaction...

AH looked up at him, his irises glowing in the slightest flame of hope.

"Really...?" he asked skeptically.

"Yes. I know a city, who can make detailed glasses like yours was, and I can fix the frame. I have worked with golden stuffs before. " said the Empire gently.

AH's tears fell again rapidly, which made the Empire's anxiety rose and doubt whether he said something that saddened the Monarchy or not.

But before he would have lost in his neverending maze of thoughts, AH jumped up and embraced him, again...

"I don't how I will pay this all back to you." chuckeled the Monarchy.

"Well - we will see." said the Empire playfully, and lightly chuckeled now too, happy to hear the Monarchy laugh again.

AH hesitated, and let the silence endure before he spoke what in his heart was.

"Nobody has ever been this nice to me before - like you... Really nobody..." whispered AH almost inaudibly as they parted. "You saved me in the forest, you saved me today again, and you've helped me even if you could have turned away anytime... Thank you, Empire. " he said softly, and looked up to the German with an inexplicable glint in his gaze.

The Empire blushed and looked down at AH.

He stared into AH's mesmerizingly glimmering golden eyes. They held so much purity and liberality in them that it made him wonder, how it was even possible him to be still this unshakeable after so much tragedy...

They stared at each other for what felt like eternity in the silence. There they were flying the untold emotions and thoughts of them like thousands upon thousands of butterflies, rising the almost suffocating intesity in the air.

The shadows - as the dark silky butterflies of emotions- were unconsciously moved by the Empire, surrounding their sitting figures and causing the lights of the ornate lamps finally to explode- and for good and all - to completely die out...

•°. * .• ● ° . ◇ ° •.○ ° * .°•


The only thing that truly belonged to AH were his glasses which had appeared with him when Habsburg and Kingdom fused and they became him

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