Ding dong hurry up I'm waiting...

Blood drips down my arm and makes tiny red dots on the floor. I shut the door and peer out from under it.

Far too late to run, away to see if I can catch you...

I see her shoes and scoot backwards, wishing futilely that I was not bleeding and forming a visible trail to my hiding spot. The door opens and I lower my head.

Ding dong hurry up I'm starving..

This is an invitation to MOVE, which I accept and get up, running towards another room. This time I slip behind the bed, grateful that I was able to keep most of the blood in my hand, which is turning bright red.

Waiting for you here...I know that you are near so come out!

I look up and meet her gaze. "How..."

Staring through the window, no escape from my cold gaze now...

I run again, heart pounding way, way, way faster then it should be.

I find a safe spot in a closet, in Roy's room. I've been everywhere in this house except for here. Hopefully he won't get mad at me. I close my eyes and see an image pf her in my mind. Fearfully, I open my eyes.

Tearing through your eyelids...

Her footsteps come closer. Creeping close to see you nearer.

I rip my sleeve off and try, using only one hand and my teeth, to tie it around the cut, which has been bleeding harder and harder since we started "playing", whatever that means.

Ding dong hurry up and run now, so that we can play, tag on this special day of fun now...

I take a few deep breaths and curl up into a tiny ball, trying not to be seen. I'd like to stay alive today, thank you very much!

Ding dong hurry up I'm in now, better run and hide....

The closet door opens and I start running out the other side. Her voice fills my ears until I can't think, and I run into the kitchen, thinking about what I need to do to get out of this mess. I manage to squeeze into an empty cabinet and my head hits something on the top. I wince.

"Special day of fun, yeah right," I mutter, shuffling around some.

..so I can never find you peeking!

Her footsteps come hard. I can hear them. My cut is irritated and bleeds more. I wipe my hand on my pants and try not to make a sound.

Either she can smell me or can hear my heartbeat or something, but she's getting closer. And closer.

Thumping down the hallway...footsteps on an old wood floorboard...

I take small, rapid, quiet breaths, and listen.

Breathing in a whisper, I can hear it getting closer!

How did she know?

The door to the cabinet opens by accident and I see her turn around as I'm reaching to pull it back in.

No, no, you can never hide, I can see you there.

I run again, going between the TV and the wall.

No, no you can never hide, I can see your hair.

"Dammit, " I whisper, sliding out and running into my room again.

The closet. I haven't hid there in THIS room.

I hear her getting closer, and I think about happy things. Hayate, rain, Roy...

I never got to tell him. Ever. My life was so short.

Not that he loves me back anyway.

No, no, you can never hide, I can see you're scared.

"Block her out, Riza. Block her out."

Maybe he does love me back. Maybe.

It's possible.

Knock knock I'm affront your bedroom, and I'm coming in, don't need a key or pin to help me. Knock knock I'm inside your bedroom, can't see where you've hide, but worry not the game is ending...

I rest my head on my knees. "Ding dong, I'm about to die."

Look under the bedsheets, clever Riza, keep me guessing.

How does she know my name?

Cannot find your body. But I haven't checked the closet...

I take a deep breath and say, quietly, "Goodbye."

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