• Chapter 22 • Together

Start from the beginning

No matter what happens, Anastasia never failed to take my breath away. I thought that after long a break, maybe I won't feel any pull towards her. But oh boy! I was wrong. So wrong. She still affected me the same as she did six years ago. She still managed to charm my mind and heart.

Heck! She never left my heart in the first place. She's always there.

I cleared my throat to gain her attention before making my way to my own chair.

"I hope you're not here with a nonsense proposal once again."

She snorted before standing up and taking the seat infront of me. I noticed the way her eyes checked me out. Well, I was dressed in a dark navy blue suit. For a fact, she use to love seeing me in dark navy. She always find it attractive on me.

Her words, not mine.

When she saw me smirking at her, she immediately stopped her action and straighten up. I also placed my elbows on the table and leaned my chin on it. I asked

"What brings you here?"

She shrugged before answering

"It's not like I was dying to come here. But Mr. Mitchell called me and asked me to come here."

A look of confusing was etched onto my face. Mr. Mitchell called her. Why?

"But why would he call you here?"

Anastasia just shrugged. No, it's not making any sense. I pulled the intercom connected to Donna's table and called her here. She must knew about it. After a while, Donna entered inside.

"How may I help, sir?"

"Did you know why Mr. Mitchell call Ms. Richmond here?"

Donna looked back and forth between me and Anastasia before she finally stated

"He called me in the morning and told me to about it. He wanted you to together. He wants to discuss something. He'll be here shortly."

As soon as she completed her sentence, Mr. Mitchell entered through the half opened door. I stood up from my place as well as Anastasia. He passed us a small smile before he muttered

"It's good to see you both here."

I managed to pass a small smile. Mr. Mitchell took the seat next to Anastasia. Donna left us alone after she served some coffee. Mr. Mitchell was quiet and not me or Ana said anything too.

He finally breathed out before saying

"You both might be wondering why I called you both together."

I nodded my head. Anastasia turned to him before asking

"Can you tell us the reason?"

Mr. Mitchell smiled before he said

"I want to discuss about my theme park project with you both."

I again nodded my head. Mr. Mitchell sighed before beginning

"I saw all the commotion of the past few weeks on the news. It's concerning to say the least. But I also know that you two had potential which nobody has. I had the pleasure of working with both of you and I can say it very confidently that you two are remarkable in your work."

Anastasia and I shared a glance before facing Mr. Mitchell again. He sighed and continued

"After seeing both of your presentation, I have reached to a conclusion."

My breath hitched. It's a big deal. I need to have it. My fists were clenched and I was praying he would choose me. Well, chances are high because of what Anastasia done. She also looked like she was hoping he would consider her.

Mr. Mitchell finally broke the silence

"I love both of your presentation. I ignored the teeny tiny similarities because I trust Anastasia. It's been difficult for me to chose between both of you. I couldn't just select one. You both have pointed out everything and I was in dilemma for many days."

My nerves were high. I need to know who he chose. I have fought so long for this project. I need to have it at any cost.

"Mr. Mitchell, please just tell us who you choose?"

Anastasia muttered. Mr. Mitchell looked at us before dropping the bomb

"I want you two to work together on this project as a team."

What. The. Actual. Fudge..


Things are going to get paced up

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Things are going to get paced up.

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