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Summary · Minho notices how the mood shifts around him.

As Felix and the others scatter off, Minho stays behind, testing their newly found choreography in the mirror, intently watching his own movements.

It's a lovely Thursday afternoon. Actually, it's not lovely, it's raining cats and dogs out there. So much so that when they were practicing, they could barely hear the music even at the highest volume. The rain stopped for a while, just enough for them to get out of the building and call a cab or something.

But now, it's raining so hard, Minho is worried that the electricity would go out.

It's not like he's got a car of his own and he sure doesn't want to get drenched, so he stayed back to polish the choreography.

He switched the music from the main speaker to his headphones, volume on blast because somehow, the rain still overpowered the music.

"2, 3, 4..." Minho watched in the mirror as his body moved swiftly, his surroundings suddenly being drowned out. All he knew at this moment was the flow of the music, his mind blank, his arms and legs swaying as he pinpointed the small mistakes and slip-ups.

Suddenly, he was on stage.

The crowd holding their breaths, Minho and his team confidently dancing to the strong beat of the song.

It's exhilarating.

Minho feels like he's on top of the world, he feels powerful. He's rolling his body, tilting his head, flicking his wrists and tensing his legs. He's moving from the left to the right, he can hear the crowd cheering and--

Han is watching.

As the beat drops, Minho's movements grow stronger, rougher-- because Han is watching. Somewhere in the big group of people, Han is watching Minho with a proud grin. Minho turns to the side, arms limp by his torso and he rolls his body, his eyes meeting Han.

It's suddenly hotter, everything else suddenly becoming blurred, the sound being toned down and all Minho can care to focus on is his body and--


Step, step, turn and hold. Turn and--


Everything disappears and then Minho is back in the dance room. He plants his foot the wrong way and his whole body follows as he slips.


Minho's bum hits the floor, a groan escaping his throat.

"Hyung, you okay?" He hears Hyunjin ask and he's confused because, "Hey- hey, I thought you guys left?" Minho says.

Hyunjin crouches to help Minho up, "No, well," Hyunjin's hands are gentle as he pulls Minho up, "I stayed for a bit. My mom wants to eat out, she'll come get me in a bit."


Hyunjin takes the time to dust off Minho's clothes, checking for any possible injuries. But Minho is confused.

"Are you- are you actually worried about me right now?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

That's weird. Usually Hyunjin would be laughing his ass off right now. Okay, it's nice. A tad bit disturbing, but nice.

Wow, he even looks concerned for real.

"..are you the real Hwang Hyunjin?" In an attempt to make the other at least roll his eyes, Minho takes a defensive stance. But Hyunjin doesn't... roll his eyes..?

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