second, third, and hundredth chances

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"Visenya," he murmured, his lips stained with crimson blood. His gaze drifted away gradually before he was consumed entirely by darkness.

The void stretched infinitely, a desolate expanse devoid of any presence but his own. Sometimes it seemed as if he had only arrived moments ago, while at other times, it felt like he had been engulfed by the shadows for years.

A frigid breeze enveloped him suddenly, its icy chill devoid of any warmth. He shuddered at the coldness.

In the midst of the dark abyss, divine voices materialized, and though he could not see anything in the darkness, he knew something was there;lurking.

The first voice, firm and unyielding, proclaimed, "Rhaegar Targaryen, you stand accused of unspeakable crimes against Elia Martell, a loyal and innocent consort, and her children, your own blood,"

His heart seemed to beat rapidly at the mention of his wife's name before the words settled over him. What? Crimes against Elia, against my children?

The second voice, filled with sorrow, continued, "You shattered the bonds of trust and love, inflicting immeasurable pain and suffering upon those who looked to you for protection,"

He looked around, trying to find where the voice was coming from.

The third voice, tinged with righteous anger, declared, "You took a path of betrayal and deceit, leading to the downfall of your House and the ruin of the realm,"

Downfall of my House? Ruin of the realm? He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, no, that can't be.

The fourth voice seemed to come from all directions, "Your pursuit of the she-wolf, at the cost of peace and stability, sparked a war that claimed countless lives and plunged the realm into chaos,"

She-wolf? His thoughts became muddled for a moment before he winced, realizing that the voice was referring to Lyanna.

The fifth voice, resolute and unyielding, added, "You disregarded the oaths you swore as a knight and as a prince, choosing personal desires over your duty,"

He felt the urge to cry out, to protest vehemently, no, no, I fulfilled my duty.

The sixth voice, echoing the natural order, murmured, "You, Rhaegar Targaryen, are a harbinger of pain and betrayal,"

Bowing his head in shame, he acknowledged the cruel words, I betrayed Elia, inflicting pain upon her. A harbinger of pain and betrayal, indeed.

The seventh voice, a somber and final verdict, decreed, "Rhaegar Targaryen, your actions have brought suffering and death. Your trial begins, and the Seven shall bear witness to the judgment of your soul,"

The Seven? His eyes widened in realization, everything falling into place. The seven voices he was hearing, each distinct and potent, now made sense. Though he saw no one in the boundless void with him, he couldn't deny their presence.

"Rhaegar Targaryen, you must confront the full extent of your choices," Rhaegar shuddered at the intensity of their tone.

Another voice echoed, "Elia Martell, your loyal wife, bore the consequences of your actions,"

Rhaegar's heart sank as he listened, a growing sense of dread enveloping him.

The third voice delivered the crushing blow. "Elia, she suffered greatly. She met a tragic end, and your children with her faced a grim fate as well,"

Rhaegar's eyes welled with tears, and he stammered, "What— what do you mean? I did all I could to protect them,"

A fourth voice thundered, "Your quest for the prophecy, your pursuit of Lyanna Stark, it led to a chain of events that resulted in the unspeakable tragedy of your family,"

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