At Horikita's sound argument, the group of failures reluctantly agreed.

"I was able to summarize most of the topics that will be covered on this test. I plant to throughly cover these topics in the next two weeks. If you have any questions that you don't know, ask."

"...Hey, I don't even understand the first problem."

Sudo scowled at Horikita. I also read the question.

"A, B, and C have 2150 yen collectively. A has 120 yen more than B does. After C gives B 2/5ths of his money, B now has 220 yen more than A. How much money did A originally have?"

A problem involving system of equations. For a high school student, it should be a free point.

"Try using your brain. If you give up from the very beginning, you won't get anywhere."

"Everyone else in the school passed."

The school doesn't decide on admissions solely based on scores. Sudo was probably accepted  because of his high physical ability. If you think about it, wouldn't he get kicked out immediately because of his bad grades?

"Ugh, I don't know either..."

Ike was also puzzled as he scratched his head.

"Okitani-kun how do you know this question?"

"Um.... Add A, B, and C together equals 2150 yen, and A equals B plus 120..."

Okitani, who somehow avoided failing the last test, started writing down the equations.

Kushida was looking over his shoulder.

"Um un, that's right. And then?"

Kushida is certainly bold. Even though she said she was worried about getting a failing mark, she was teaching Okitani.

"Honestly speaking, this problem can be easily solved by first - year and second- year middle school students. If you fail here, you won't be able to do anything."

"Are we elementary school students then...?"

"As Horikita-san said, it's pretty bad if you can't solve this problems. The first few math problems on the test were about this hard, but even I didn't know how to do the last problem."

"I can teach you how to do system of equations if you want."

Horikita picked up her pen without hesitating. It's pitiful, but the only ones who understood how to do the problems were Kushida and Okitani.

"In the first place, what even is this 'system of equations' thing...?"

"...Are you serious?"

Wow, these guys really live without studying at all. Sudo threw his mechanical pencil at the table.

"No, stop. This isn't going to work."

Before even starting, Sudo already gave up.

Looking at his pitiful state, Horikita was fuming.

"E-everyone, wait. Let's try our best. If you learn how to solve these problems, you can apply your knowledge to the questions on the test. Ok?"

"...Well, if Kushida-chan says so, we'll try our best, but... If Kushida-chan taught it to us, I would probably work even harder."


Horikita stayed silent when Kushida was about to ask her. It was troubling that she didn't say anything. However, if she stayed silent, the others might give up on studying Kushida made up her mind and picked up the mechanical pencil.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11 ⏰

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