Chapter 8: Winter North

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third person pov:

Error gasp and woke up shaking slightly. These visions. He never had theme before. But they scares him. He does not remember them. He does not remember anything that happened in them. He never was in this multiverse. No. Then why he have these visions? Its like its trying to tell him something. But what? He doesn't know. Error hug himself still shaking slightly before noticing he was in his room. "W-what am I d-doing here?" Error mumble out before door to his room opened and his friend walks in.

"Error your awake." Torrust told happily. "T-Torrust. Why are you here?" Error ask confused. "You really don't remember?" Error shook his skull while he stops hugging himself."I don't remember anything from yesterday. Everything is fuzzy and blurry. I was fine in when I woke up. But then I grew weaker and weaker before. . . I don't know what happened next."Error mumbled.

"I went to check on you yesterday and when I come to your house you were ill so I took care of you." "Oh. . . sorry for being sutch a problem." "Error you weren't a problem. I'm your friend, and friends help each other remember." "Yea." Error told chuckeling dryly. "Do you feel better?" "A lot. Thanks. I think I'm completly fine."

Torrust smile happily ready to leave before Error notice something in his hand and ask. "What do you have over there?" "Oh this. These are think I'm suppose to get for Rufous so he can make weapons for king's guards." "Can I see it?" "Sure." Torrust told and handed paper over to Error who read it slowly before giving it back and speaking.

"I suppose you need to head north, right." Torrust nod. "When you wanted to leave?" "Soon as possible. It will be long track. I have almost everything ready. I just need to make sure shop is closed and tell Eterna." Error pause for second and think about Torrust plan before he speak up once more. "Y'know. Torrust. Even if I trust you and I know that you can take care of yourself. I still think its pretty dangerous to go alone." "What do you mean?" "Just that. I think it will be better if someone would go with you. I was in north once and its pretty tought place."

"Do you think I should?" "Most likely."

Torrust pause and look at his paper than at Error and then again at paper, before idea pop in his skull. "What about you?" Error almost chocke on air before he spoke. "Why me of all people?!" "Well. I trust you a lot, You are skilled fighter, you most likely know more north then me, and we are friend. So it would be more comfortable." "*sigh* I guess I need to repai you some way. Fine, but only if we check some libraries in our journey. I need to find new spellbooks." "Agree."

Torrust squeel happily before saying. "I will go and check my shop before telling Eterna. You have three hours to get ready before we will leaving." "Yea yea. Just make sure you have everything." Torrust huff and left while Error gigle from his acting before he left his bed going to take his clothing and other thinks.

time skip

Error and Torrust left kingdom few hours ago and now they were heading to north. Both of them had one bag with thinks like food, water, torches, some medicaments and potions, herbs, gold, etc. Both of them were walking around plains before Torrust ask. "How long do you think it will take us to get there?" "Roughtly around two days. If we will walk like this. We should be in village next afternoon." Torrust nod and they continued to walk before Torrust decided to make conversation.

"Hey Error." "Hmm?" "I know many people ask you this but, how old are you exacly?" Error stop in track. 'Shit what now. I don't remember myself anymore. And If say over millenniumI will have lot to explain. Oh god this is just getting better every minute." "Error. Are you alright?" Error nod and starts walking again before he took deep breath and spoke quietly.

"I. . . don't remember." Torrust was caugh off guard by this. "What do you mean that you don't remember?!" "I just don't ok. And I don't have my brother's here to remind me ofanyway. It's just that. I stop count after while. Sometimes its better to forgett. Mostly in my case." Error mumbles last part. "But if you really don't remember. Don't you fear of thought not knowing how close to old age you are." Error did nothing more but chuckle before telling. "Death don't have an urgen to even be close to me without fear. I cheat death many times and I will do it untill I'l fail." "Oh."

"But I never got your age. So might as well." "Right. I'm 28." "Pretty young. But I can't say you don't look for it." "Thanks. I'm trying to stay fit as mutch as possible." "Agree." Rest of the day. Both Error and Torrust talk while walking to their target. After a few hours as the moon shines through the reflecting sunlight, and stars shining brighter than usual. Torrust was getting prety tired. So Error decided they should slowly start to find place to rest. After while of searching they found perfect place in forest so both of them put down bags before Torrust grab axe and start to get some wood while Error took everything else out.

After another while Error notice how Torrust strugle to cut wood into logs before he walk to him and tap on his shoulder making Torrust look at charcoal skeleton. "Need any help?" "Yea I'm not the best with cutting wood." "Want me to do it?" "Yea." Error then grab wood while Torrust still holds his axe. "You will need this axe to cu-." Torrust was cut of when Error break wood piece into two perfect logs making Torrust look at Error amazed. "Holy shit." Torrust mumbles."Did I done something wrong." "N-No of corse not. I-I-I will go and take these d-do like three m-more ok." Error nod before Torrust laughtl uneasily before walking away with wood.

'He just rip that wood in half like it was a twig. How is he so strong. I thought those bars in cell were just weak from how rusty they were. But now I fear they were really from metal and Error just rip them out like they were nothing.' Torrust continue to think before he got few more logs from Error thanking him before he got his axe back. Torrust sigh and put axe back in his backpack before setting for campfire only to realized something and cursing quietly. "Fuck." "Is something wrong Torrust?" "Yea I don't have anything to make fire with. I had one job." Torrust cursed loudly. "Let me do it." "O-k." Torrust walk away while Error walk to logs before he put hand in middle of them before he whispers. "Flimus." Then small flame appear in his hand before logs catch on fire while Error just put his hand away.

"See. I told you I would do it." Torrust chuckle slightly while blushing from embarasment before he took his food out and start to eat with Error who joined minutes later. They ate silently with fire burning and wood cracking from tempeture of fire before Torrust realized something. "Wait. What about vampires?" "Don't worry I already took care of that." "How?" "My traps. I put themaround while you were eating. There is no way those vampires would get to us without alerting me or getting killed by them." "Oh." Torrust mumbles. He and Error continued to watchstarts happily before Torrust decided to make another conversation.

"I remmeber how you told me about and Outer last week." Torrust stop himself and look at Error who had little sad face before he continued. "I don't want to force you into this but,If you want. I would want to know how you feel about him." It was silent. There was no sound exept firee slowly burning. This continued for few more minutes before Error made loudsigh and spoke up.

"I saw him as a friend, a family, a love of my live. I would kill entire world just for him. I would never harm him even if I would be forced to do so. I loved him so mutch. He was one of few happy thinks that ever happened to me. Yet still, they manage to took him away. His death break me greatly. It sometimes still haunts me memory of me holding him, while he was bleeding our in my hand with me not being able to do anything. Even thou its my fault for not being there. He still forgived me." Error hick with small tears in his eyes while Torrust regreat asking in first place."He was one of the kindest persons I ever meet. There were only few more who were as kind as him. My old friend, my brothers, two friends I helped to get a better place to live, and you. You are one of the most kind persons I saw in this place. You would risk your own live for someone as worthless as me. And even if most people hates me. You still don't. You are just like him Torrust. You and Outer never give a crap about what others think. You both judge from your own expirience. And that a trade which is valuable. At least for me."

Error finished with tears escaping his sockets. Torrust felt bad for asking on something like this. But he had to know. Torrust saw how sad Error looked, his eyes begging for comfort.After while Torrust told himself. 'Fuck it. He is sad and need hug. And I will give it to him.' Error continued to cry silently before he felt someone pressing behind him making himflitch before he turned around and saw Torrust hugging him. Error blush slightly before asking.

"What are you doing?" "You need some confort so I'm giving you a hug." Error's blush even grew but didn't fought. He kinda like it. He starved for some confort. Being mage is almost as being destroyer. You need to look cold and heartless. After while Torrust broke the hug and look at Error with smile. WHile he smiled back before speaking. "Thank you." "No problem Error. If you will need someone to talk to. I'm always here." "I will remember that. Thanks." Error told slightly happy before he look up at sky blinking few times and speaking. "You should take some rest. It's almost midnight." "What about you?" "I will go soon. Just go to sleep." Torrust nod and went to his tent falling asleep minues later. While Error watch over him. When Error knew Torrust was asleep. He sight and teleport up on trees so he would have better view on starts.

He watch them for while before few more tears escapes his sockets while he whispers. "Its beautifull. You would love this place Outer. It's been almost four years now. . . I miss you. I know that I will never be able to see you again. But. If you somehow hear this. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not being there in time. I hope you are at better place happy."

Error finished talking to sky before he teleport back to his tent and look at fire. Error then decided to threw few more logs there before going to his tent taking some rest.When Torrust woke up he rubs his sockets tiredly. That was untill he heared scream. Torrust quickly jump from tent and grab his crossbow only to see vampire to flew into tree withforce before Error was infront of him faster than Torrust could react holding vampirs neck. Torrust watch and vampire strugle to get free before few red bones appear from tree impalingand killing vampire making him turn into ash. Error sigh and wipe blood from his face before he notice Torrust who wave at him while Error wave back like nothing really happened and told.

"I see you finally woke up." "Yea its hard not to wake with those screams." "Agree. Get something to eat and then we will continue." Torrust nod and grab some food before he starts eatingwhile Error check traps. After hours both of them finished packing everything before they check if they have everything one more time before they start going. They walk and talk about some thinks and while they were walking. Snow starts to fall from sky.

"Look its starts snowing." "That means we are getting closer Torrust. But must not stop right now." Torrust nod before they continue to walk. But their walk was getting a little harder due to snow that start falling and temperature that start to fall down rapidly. After five more hours of walking Torrust was shaking a little from cold while Error was fine. "Brrr." "Don't you want me to help you. "N-No its junt u-unfair that you have l-lest clothing than me and y-yet you don't seem to be f-freezing."

"I'm used to these types of temperatures. And maybe I have only robe, shirt, pants, shorts, and boots. But my robe is fuiled by my magic. Meanight it will keep me as warm as I want to.""Brrr. L-lucky y-you." Error look at Torrust little worried and took his robe of saying. "Don't you want to take it. You seem to need it more then me." "N-No thanks for o-offer." "B-But you need to s-stay warm t-too. R-remember." Error sigh and nod putting his robe back on before Error notice village not so far away.

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