Chapter 5: Venomous Hatred

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Both of them came to where Execution should take place before Two guards drag one female monster infront of everyone while Eterna ask. "Hey who is suppose to do this. Out last Execution died years ago." One gurads then asnwered. "King Asgore told us that it must be our representation so someone strong." "Hopefully not me." Eterna mumble. Then Asgore came and clear his throat before speaking. "Quiet, quiet, quiet, thank you. It's sad to say but once again we need show what we think about traitors." Asgore called out making few people cheer. "But who will execute her?!" Someone called out.

Asgore sigh before mumbeling something to one guard who nod and left. After minute Guard came back with Error behind holding an axe making both Eternas and Torrust eyes widen when they saw his lifeless exprection. While Error slowly walk to stage Torrust was lost in his thought looking at Error's face only to shake in fear and hug Eterna for dear life.

Error then grab paper and spoke.

"Today is the day we will execute traitor for spying on us and telling informations to vampires." "booo. Killer her. Just get rid of her finally! She deserves to die!" People scream at woman who had tears in her eyes and cry silently. Error sigh mumbeling something to himself before rising his axe. But before he would kill that poor woman he look check her siletnly only to drop axe on ground making everyone confused.

"Error what's wro-." "I can't." Error cut King off. "What do you mean you can't just swung your axe and cut that bitch's head off." "I won't do it! I won't kill woman. Not this one. Not today." "Why is going on?" "Why didn't he killer her already?" "Is he scared or what?!" People shout confused while Eterna tried to think of reason why Error didn't killed her. She knew that Error is mercyless when it gets to killing but why now?

"Error why didn't you finish your job already." "I'm sorry my King but I won't do this. I won't kill pregnant woman even if she was traitor." Error told walking from stage making people speachless. "You can't just leave. This is a kings order!" One guard shout poiting spear on Error.

Error on the other hand chuckle darkly before gaving lifeless glare at him and telling. "I killed more than enough children to loose any remorse. But yet still I feel endless guild for my actions. Now if you excuse me. I'll leave." Error then teleports away making everyone shock. Eterna look at Torrust before whispering.

"We should go back to out post." Torrust nod before they turn around and leave and while they were walking both of them flitch when they hear how axe hit flesh telling that they really killed her.

time skip

After whole day of work Torrust finally went home to his house. When he came he sighs loudly before walking to kitchen and making some cook vegetable with meat and paste to fill himself. While he was doing it he was thinking. Deeply thinking about what happened way way before. And yet still he felt guild for what happend to his parrent. "Maybe if I would not be born. They would live?" Torrust mumble silently.

For whole night he didn't done mutch. He made himself some food. Ate it. Change his clothes before walking to bed and trying to get some rest. . . but he could't memories from dungeon still haunts him. That way Killer look at him. The way he talk. Or the way how other hunters scream in pain when they got attack. Their screams reminds him of his friends. . . almost all of his friend. He didn't hear Error scream. Not even single time. Which scared him. He was in so many fight and came bad injured badly. Yet still nor Eterna Dr.Lofy nor him hear him ever scream from pain. The only scream they ever recive was scream of frustracion when Eterna was once saying some flirtly stuff to Error.

It kinda scared him. The way he act sometimes. He is kind yes. . . but also sound lifeless. Torrust knows Error for few years now. You could say they become good friends. Yet still He is worried about him. Those scars or way he is always on guards. Torrust needs to know more about him. But Error won't say anything for his dare life.

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