Chapter 2: Anger, Confusion and Panic

Start from the beginning

"I won't tell you how I came here but I can at least tell you how I became RuneHunter." "You will? I listening now. Just a sec. Bartender one more here for me and Error ok!" I shout before I turn back to Error. "Soo."

"Hehe. Exidet are we. Well in short. I was teaching rune magic and one night when was blood moon vampires came and killed everyone in village. And when morning came. Eterna with Asgore and Lofy found me in middle of village killing last vampires."

"Wait you knew how to kill before." "As I said. I'm not telling you about my past. Not I want from fear nor that something could happen. But I know one thing from there." "And what is it?" "DONT TRUST TO ANYONE YOU KNOW." Error told calmy before he sits back on his chair and sips from his beer.

"W-why," I ask confused. " "Too many people betrayal me or hurt me in some way. I just lost hope at this point. No one ever likes me nor love me in any way. I was just an abomination to them because of my black bones. So one day-. . . *sigh* forget it." I wanted to say something before one vampire hunter came to Error and tap on his shoulder.

"Huh what is-. Oh right. Bring everyone meet me in five minutes." Hunter nods before he walks away. Error quickly finish his beer before he stands up and stretch before he places down 55 silver coin and told. "Here is money for beer. You can order two more if you want. Take it as thank for killing time with me."

"So you need to go." "Well, yea. Its already time. Stay safe." "Try not to die there!" I call out. Error just laugh before he walks away from the bar. I sigh and sit back on my chair before I mumble. 'Oh Error if you would know that someone cares about you.'

Error's pov:

We were walking in the thought forest while everyone whines like babies. I growl and place the last trap before we walk deeper into the forest while they whine even more. "God I swear if you will whine again I will stab you so you will have a fucking reason to whine! We are here just one hour and you are already tired!" I shout making everyone growl before I turn around and lead the way.

I sigh and drank some of my water before bold almost hit me in the skull "Staras!" I shout before bold hits forcefield I turn around and saw how hunters point their weapons at me.

"Xilex!" I summon a bunch of daggers that pierce three hunters' thought skulls and souls so they die instantly. I then desummon forcefield and took out my knife. "So you fucker want to get rid fo me. But in the end. I will be the one who will get rid of you!" I shout and rush at them.

Nightmares pov:

I lick my fangs when he feels negativity in a forest. "Ahh someone got betrayed. But it feels. . . different. Like he got betrayed many times ago. I stood up from my throne and walk downstairs where those idiots were fighting again.

"Idiots! Stop fighting and go with me someone is in a forest!" Everyone notice me before we turn into bats and flew outside. We flew through a forest before we hear a scream. Then out of nowhere one of the vampire hunters flew with a dagger in the soul thought tree and die instantly.

We look behind a tree and saw him. We saw RuneHunter that was fighting other vampire hunters. We watch how he kills them without mercy before he got pierce with many bolts through his chest. RuneHunter coughs out blood and drops on his knees before he looks up and shouts. "Expodus!" He shouts before 5 hunters explode into guts and blood.

We stood pale and then watch how he got shot with bolt thought skull before he falls behind a tree. Other hunters laugh before they walk away. I sigh wanting to leave before I felt negativity from RuneHunter. '. . . wait. He isn't dead!'

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