Their boots were covered in mud and they smelt of strong nasty whiskey my father would drink on occasions.

"You better take off those nasty boots before stepping another inch into this kitchen." Lisa grumbled as she went over to check the soup.

"Where have you boys been?" I questioned as Henry quickly dropped his boots and walked over to the vegetables and stole him a handful before disappearing up the stairs.

"I am truly sorry about the mess." Leo said towards Lisa that it seemed as if she was too busy making dinner to care what Leo had told her.

"Go wash up son." Lisa said after a few minutes of silence as I tried my best to keep my eyes from wandering over Leo's lean body.

However my attempts failed and I was horribly caught by Goerge entering the kitchen.

"Sweetheart you're gonna begin to drool if you continue staring at him, as if you want to devour him whole."

George said as he kissed his wife on the cheek.

"I wouldn't mind that." Leo said in a husky tone as he winked at me and I began to curse myself as I hurried up the stairs to find Paige.

"You will never guess how I just made a complete fool out of myself." I said as I rushed into her room, closing the door behind me.

Once I made sure the door was locked and we were not going to have a moment like this morning I rushed over to Paige's side.

She sat on her bed with her legs crossed and she clinged to a pillow.

"What did you do this time?" She asked as I sat down beside her.

"Did you see that?" I asked sliding off the bed towards her window that faced the front of the house.

"I am sorry, Prue." She began to say it repeatedly. Once I made sure everything looked okay out the window I turned back to my now sobbing sister.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked, holding on to her sobbing form.

"I am sorry." Is all they could say as I noticed something else caught my attention.

"What was that?" I asked, leaning forward.

"I heard that too." She said, wiping at her fallen tears.

"Everyone down stairs now!" I heard George's voice boom up the stairs.

My sister and I exchanged weary glazes as we rushed to the door and found Leo waiting for us.

"What is all this yelling about!" I heard Henry yell as he joined us and we four began to make our way down the stairs.

I was the last to cross the threshold of the kitchen to find an out of breathed Ralph panting.

"What is wrong?" I asked rushing up to him, thinking he has been hurt.

"I am fine, however you are not." He stated causing Leo to growl towards Ralph.

"What do you mean?" Leo ask walking towards him and shoving him away from me.

"Will you stop." I demanded as Leo glared down at me.

"Someone... Not me..... They know you are here." Ralph finally got out after taking some deep breaths.

"Damn it!" Leo boomed as he grabbed my arm as if he didn't want me out of his sights.

"I see torches coming our way." Lisa scrambled near the window of the library.

"Prudence, do you remember reading about how to cloak yourself?" Lisa asked as she gripped my arm.

"Kinda of." I replied as she pulled me out of Leo's grip.

I watch Lis and Gorege give each other a knowing look before Lisa takes out a small blade and sliced my palm.

"Oww!" I screamed as Goerge muffled my scream using his hand. "Trust me." Lisa said as she bent down and ripped a piece of my dress and wrapped my cut hand.

"Give me your hand." I heard Lisa usher the others to do it.

Confused, I watched as she cut their hands and began to place us in a circle.

"Let's pray this works." Lisa said as she turned to Gorege then back to me.

"Now Prudence you must calm your mind because you are going to cloak yourself and four others." I opened my mouth to protest but she held up her hand.

"Now I understand you have just recently discovered you have these gifts. However you can do this. Remember that he will help you." She said as she looked up and saw the flames from the soldiers' lanterns.

"Wait me and four others. What about you and George?" I asked, begging to lose my mind to the world around me .

"They are too close, you must start right away. Once George and I are outside." Lisa said as she smiled and turned away.

I watched as they walked out of the library and I felt in that moment I would never see them again.

Turning towards the large windows I heard a loud voice yell towards the silent house.

"We know you have her here. Give her up and you shall be killed swiftly." The man said causing some of the others to laugh at his response.

My stomach dipped as I saw Lisa and Georege walk outside towards the men.

"You are not her." The man stated as I felt my body being pulled down towards the ground.

"You must stay down Prudence or they may see you." Leo said as I saw his eyes turn bright white and glassed over as if he had lost all of his sight.

"What happened to him?" I asked Henry, who seemed to not notice.

"He is contacting the others to inform them it may be a fight." Henry replied dryly as I heard a scream coming from out side.

My body moved before I could even think I jumped up and began to make a dash for the front entrance of the home.

Halting me in my rush I saw where the scream had originated from. Lisa stood over a decapitated George.

Hot tears began to prick my eyes as I felt a shock of sensations rush my body as I was pulled against a warm hard body.

"Come on, we must hide." It was Leo's calm husky tone that helped my dazed body back into the library where the others waited.

I looked at Paige who was being held by Ralph as she cried heavy tears.

Henry looked on in alert of his surroundings, not the carefree version of him I had gotten to know but instead a bloodthirsty killer.

"We must hold hands." I said in a daze as Leo led me to the floor to sit by the others who were crouching below the large windows.

"The woman said she had already escaped but checked the house to make sure that old bat wasn't lying." I heard the soldier outside say.

I joined as I heard the front door being slammed open and footsteps in the hallway.

"You can do this Prudence." I heard Ralph say, making a sad smile appear on my face.

Closing my eyes I pictured us in a bubble that we could see out of but no one could see us.

I opened my eyes to a harsh bright light pierce through the dark room as I heard one of the men yell and heavy footsteps grew closer.

The light dimmed until nothing seemed to be left. I watched the door as it slammed opened to reveal two large soldiers.

Holding my breath I watched as the tallest of the two soldiers turned and looked me square in the eyes. I felt a heavy beat of my heart as it stopped when I saw the man's mouth open to say something to the other.

"Do you see that over there?" The large man said, causing doubt to fill my veins.

Hope In The Darkness Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora