Chapter 7: The invite

Start from the beginning

Blitzo asked, "Okay, but when did this happen?"

"I've been speaking to them since you went to the Goetia House," Fizz admitted.

Blitzo seemed taken aback. "So... you've been talking to them for 10 years?"

Fizz nodded, confirming it. Then Blitzo grinned mischievously and inquired, "And... would their name happen to start with 'E' by chance?"

Fizz's expression showed his surprise at Blitzo's accurate guess. "Uh... yes."

Blitzo laughed heartily and said, "Hahaha! So that's your mystery crush that everyone was talking about!"

Fizz's face turned a bright shade of red, and he looked at Blitzo with embarrassment. Sweating and stuttering, he tried to clarify, "N-no, no, E-Emmy and I... are f-friends. N-no, I-i mean, s-she's just a friend. I mean..." He covered his face with his hands, sighing at himself for making a fool of himself.

Blitzo, still amused, reassured him, "So her name is Emmy. That's good to know. Thanks for the info." He smiled at Fizz's awkwardness and then continued with a teasing tone, "So, what does she look like? She must be sexy as hell if she got your attention."

Fizz looked down at his hands, playing with them nervously. "Well... I've never actually seen her."

"Huh?" Blitzo expressed his confusion. "So let me get this straight. You've been talking to a girl named Emmy for 10 years... but you don't know what she looks like?"

Fizz confirmed with a downcast expression, "Yeah."

Blitzo was puzzled. "How come, though? That kind of sounds strange, don't you think?"

Fizz struggled to explain Emmy's situation. "Well... she... kind of isn't allowed to leave the house."

Blitzo looked puzzled and questioned, "Why is that?"

Fizz clarified, "It's just that her mom thinks it's too dangerous to be outside."

Blitzo remarked, "Kind of sounds like what a strict mom would do."

"That's what I thought too," Fizz agreed.

They both lapsed into silence for a minute, but Blitzo broke the ice by asking, "So... what is she like, this Emmy girl?"

Fizz's face lit up with affection as he spoke about her. "Well... she's really smart, considering she's never been to school. She has a really big heart, she's sweet, silly at times, she has a beautiful singing voice, she can be shy at times, courageous, and she also has a cool side to her."

Fizz noticed Blitzo looking at him strangely and asked, "Uh... Blitzo, is something wrong?"

Blitzo snapped out of his trance and replied with a grin, "Oh, ho, nothing... she sounds kind of awesome."

Blitzo added, "I wish I could meet her."

Fizz pondered for a moment and agreed, "Yeah, me too."

Then Blitzo had an idea, "What if you invite her to the party?"

Fizz's eyes widened in shock, and he blurted out, "WHAT?!"

Blitzo hushed him quickly, saying, "Shh, keep it down. Someone might hear us." He glanced outside the tent to make sure they hadn't been overheard, and then turned back to face Fizz. "Blitzo, I can't ask her that... her mom said she's not allowed."

Blitzo persisted, "It's only for one day, Fizz. What harm would it do?"

Fizz remained unsure, and Blitzo tried to reassure him, "Tell you what... Why don't we have our secret private party, just the three of us? It might be good for her to get out of the house, at least it won't be overwhelming."

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