Chapter 4: A Crush in the Making

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It was the next day, a rare day off for the circus crew to relax without the hustle and bustle of preparing and performing. Blitzo was busy helping his dad plan tomorrow's shows, while Fizz found himself away from the circus, spending time with Emmy discussing the Mammon concert.

Fizz animatedly recounted the wild fan reactions, the mesmerizing green flames, and the surreal sight of Mammon hovering on a green board. "Are you serious? Mammon did what?" Emmy asked with genuine surprise.

Fizz couldn't help but beam with excitement as he replied, "He even plucked me out of the crowd! Out of everyone there, he chose me." His joy was palpable. Emmy was impressed and amazed, saying, "Wow, that's incredible."

Fizz continued weaving his tale, "Then Mammon and I were ballroom dancing together, and I even added some of my own moves." Emmy chuckled in response, "No way! And he didn't mind?"

"Not at all," Fizz answered, surprised by Mammon's positive reaction. "I mean, anyone would be upset about someone hijacking their show, especially a royal prince, but he didn't show any irritation."

Fizz went on, "Then he even kissed my hand and winked at me when the show ended. It ended with a massive explosion, and it was the greatest thing I've ever seen. My fanboy heart was racing out of control." Emmy couldn't help but laugh at his enthusiasm. She found it endearing how passionate Fizz was about Mammon, especially since he had fulfilled his dream of meeting his idol.

Fizz couldn't help but express his wish, "I wish you could've been there; it was amazing."

"Yeah... me too," Emmy replied, her voice carrying a touch of sadness. Fizz noticed her tone and became concerned. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked.

Emmy remained silent for a moment before finally admitting, "I-it's nothing."

Fizz, still puzzled, looked at the door and realized his mistake. "I'm so, so sorry," he stammered. "I was just so excited that I forgot about the whole 'you can't leave the house' thing, and here I am, going on about the concert and Mammon-."

Emmy interrupted him, "N-no, Fizz... It's not that."

Fizz stopped talking, and his nervous sweating began to subside. "Oh... Then why are you upset?" he inquired.

"It's silly," she hesitated.

Fizz grinned playfully and teased, "Even better. Now I really want to know."

Emmy giggled, "Okay, okay. I'll tell you, but promise you won't laugh."

Fizz patiently waited, clearly intrigued "I promise".

Taking a deep breath, Emmy confessed, "Well... I felt a little jealous."

"Jealous? About what? about the concert?" Fizz asked, genuinely curious.

She clarified, "N-no...not about the concert."

"Then what?" Fizz pressed.

Emmy hesitated before revealing, "I-I'm jealous that he got to dance... with you."

Fizz's eyes widened in disbelief as he listened intently. Emmy continued, "The way you were talking about how you guys danced on the stage... It's silly, but I wished that I could be the one who was dancing with you instead. To have you close to me, see your face, laugh at your jokes, and explore Hell together would be one of the happiest moments of my life."

Fizz was speechless, his face turning a shade redder with each passing moment. His heart raced, and butterflies fluttered in his stomach. He'd never felt this way, not even with Mammon. Fizz didn't understand what was happening to his body, but he didn't mind the feeling one bit. He remained silent for a moment before he heard Emmy calling out to him.

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