Chapter 6: Kuromorimine vs St Gloriana

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A few weeks after Tanya's chat with the commander of the all stars, the federation got the matches back on schedule but to Shihos surprise, Kuromorimine was picked to be one of the competitors. Tanya was excited by this and she didn't care who her and Kay faced, they would bring them down.

Tanya looked at who they were facing out of curiosity and she saw it was Saint Gloriana, but her face went from confidence to anger as soon as she saw who was allying with them, the paper read: Saint Gloriana/All stars university boys division.

Tanya immediately went to one of the federation members and shoved the paper in his face "How could you approve this?!" She asked

The federation member looked at her with confusion and replied "do what?" "You guys were supposed to face Gloriana anyways."

Tanya was still fuming "Yes I'm aware we were supposed to face them but why the heck is the all stars university with them?" "Judging by this decision then we should get the boys division of Kuromorimine with us"

The Member only said this much "I wish I could tell you more but from what I know, this was approved by someone in the federation and we don't know who, or else we would have stopped it  or at least made it so you could round up your boys team."

Tanya wasn't too sure about it but she accepted the fact that decisions had been made and she couldn't change them so she met with the group who was preparing the tanks gave them orders, then her and Kay went to go meet with Darjeeling and Pekoe before the match had started.

"Well Tanya Degurechaff it's nice to meet you in person for the first time in a while." Darjeeling said with a smile

"We saw each other at the funeral but that wasn't really a place for talking but the pleasure is all mine"

Kay and Pekoe saw each other and nodded in respect but Tanya could tell they didn't really like each other much, as they shook hands the announcement came up to make way and get to their sides.

Tanya got into her panzer 4 tank while Kay decided to go with commanding the tiger 2 tank
They had all kinds of tanks lined up like 2 maus tanks, jagdpanzers, tiger tanks and elefant and much more.

On the comms Kay told Tanya "stay safe and good luck out there"

"You as well" Tanya replied

The intercom came on and a voice came on "Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls, we welcome you back to our Shensado matches, today we have the great Kuromorimine lead by Tanya Degurechaff facing off against Saint Gloriana commanded by Darjeeling and accompanied by the all stars university with commander Sam Jefferson and the boys division"

Tanya was anxiously waiting for the match to start but of course because it had been a month they had speakers and then a band played.

Finally after all the formalities were over they started the match and Tanya told everyone to get into formation and take their position it was a simple match of shoot down the commanders flag match so Tanya knew how to outmaneuver and avoid being shot, so she moved with her Panzer 4 while Kay and her tiger tank crew searched for Darjeeling and Jefferson's tank then she could alert Tanya or the two Maus tanks to take em down.

After a while, one of the teams informed Tanya of something that she didn't expect "hey commander, we just noticed one of saint Glorianas tanks are down"

Tanya confused by this replied "well look at you, they're supposed to be down, or at least their flags pop up"

"That's the thing their flags aren't up and I notified the other teams and none of them said they shot this one, oh no, oh my gosh it's burning up it's literally burning up!"

Tanya wondered why the team leader wasn't saying anything else until over the intercom she heard a loud explosion like a tank just shot them, and after that she heard Kay come on the comms and said "our maus team is down and Darjeeling is on her way but what's weird is she saw us but she didn't shoot the tank"

Tanya looked out and saw that Darjeeling was in front of them and just about as she was about to tell her team to open fire, Darjeeling spoke quick enough to say "hold it!" "we've been noticing yours and our tanks have been shot and burnt up,  normally the flag would go up and the tank on its way but no I think there's dirty play going on here and we want to know if it's you"

Tanya replied "no it couldn't be, let's try this shoot at each other and call it a draw so we can see if one of us is lying or not"

Darjeeling agreed and both tanks fired at the same time, the flags went up and then the announcers voice came up and said "both Degurechaff and Darjeeling have both been eliminated which technically means the all stars win!"

There were cheers from the boys and both Tanya and Darjeeling looked at each other with confusion and disappointment.

Kay came up with her tiger tank and asked what happened, Darjeeling filled her in and then they all went back to the main field to go congratulate Jefferson.

Tanya now realized if it wasn't saint Gloriana or even dirty play by her own side then it must of been the all stars.

There was her first piece of evidence but she still needed more and she decided more matches might be a good thing for that.

Authors note: Hope you enjoyed the chapter and like I mentioned there will be more match chapters to come, along with some more twists and turns in this story so buckle up and enjoy the ride.

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