8 | Caught Red Handed

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Year end stages were lined up and the members were ever so busy preparing for them. There was no time to waste with their practice being 6 hours long, and some members were working on their solo albums too that they haven't even announced to the world.

Jimin hears Jungkook groaning inside the washroom stall of their practice studio. He thought maybe the all-perfectionist boyfriend of his is going too hard on himself. He was about to call for him, when his ears picked on other sounds.

He carefully walks ahead, listening to the muffled groans from inside. "Is he-" Jimin's cheeks turn red. It just hit him that Jungkook was already 24 and a man with sexual needs.

Jungkook quickens his pace on his swollen erection. His hand moving up & down, exerting force to reach his release sooner.

Jimin decides to quickly walk out, not to embarrass the younger boy. He was about to exit the washroom, when he heard his name "Jiminnnnn~" His heart skipped a beat. He forgot how to move for a moment and clutched onto the wall.

Obviously it's him. He was his boyfriend. Wasn't he!

Soon, Jungkook came out of the stall, and washed his hands quickly. Jimin's eyes widened looking at him from the mirror. Jungkook's face was red & sweaty.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean-"
"I knew you were here." Jungkook replied, stealing glances at him from the mirror. Jimin was left speechless yet again. He doesn't even know why this was so unexpected to him?

"Jungkook you... You have really g-grown up..." Jimin mumbled.

Jungkook looked at him, a little bit embarrassed of being caught while masturbating to his name. But it was about to happen sooner or later. How long can he wait and blue-ball himself?

It was nerve-wracking nevertheless, they haven't talked about sex n all, at all.

He was sweating more than usual. But when he looks at Jimin who suddenly looks smaller than him, he feels just a lil bit of confidence surfacing in his chest.

With a racing heart, he moves ahead and grabs Jimin's hand, who looks above wide eyed. "I knew you were here... And I still did that... Taking your name..." He said, his breathing irregular.

Jimin looked down again, towards their hands. "It's okay Jungkook-ah... Your h-hormones must be all over the place..." He cursed himself internally to stutter like that. "Don't mind-"

"Jimin..." He stopped, his breathe caught in his throat when Jungkook tightened his grip on his wrist.
"Don't you understand what I'm trying to do?"

Jimin's heart was beating so fast. He was trying to not let the meaning sink into his mind with everything he has. But Jungkook is so stubborn in making his words get through his head.

"Jungkook... You are still young... and we are still new in our relationship..." Jimin moved back. His heart was fluttering so bad.

"I celebrated my coming of age 4 years ago" Jungkook pulled him a little closer by his waist. "And only our label of boyfriends is new, we have still had feelings for each other for such a long time..."

"Jungkook... Stop..." he removed his hand that was placed on the small of his back. It was all too much all of a sudden. He couldn't think straight.

"Guys... We are going home, come soon." Namjoon's voice made them part away immediately, and Jimin ran out without meeting Jungkook's eyes.

He won't deny he felt turned on with the idea of Jungkook wanting him like that. His cheeks turned pink.

They reached home in complete silence as both were trying to analyse what just happened. Things were changing between them all of a sudden. Their feelings were not innocent anymore. They were laced with lust for each other.

Jungkook sometimes thinks about how Jimin has managed his prime time? Or how his other hyungs have done so, when he is feeling this change in his own body.

Like, his thoughts have changed. A cute thought of patting Jimin's butt has changed into a kinky spank. A cute and sweet thought of kissing Jimin has turned into a full blown desire to kiss every inch of his skin.

Everything has changed. His body. His thoughts and his dreams... Let's not even go there.


It has been a week since Jungkook got to talk to Jimin all alone. It's been a week since he has kissed him. It's been a week since Jimin is running away from him.

Every time Jimin sees Jungkook in the same room, his heart starts racing with his breath caught in his throat.

While, Jungkook sometimes feels embarrassed of the night, and sometimes, he acts bold about it, totally not ashamed that he jerked off to Jimin's name, he was his boyfriend after all.

After Namjoon's birthday celebration, he finally confronted Jimin. He was on the rooftop at that time. When he saw Jungkook there too, he tried to silently run away.

"Stop running away from me. It feels like I committed a crime..." Jungkook keeps a tight hold on Jimin's wrist, who looks here & there, slightly uncomfortable, or may be just anxious with the situation at hand.

"Tell me if you feel that way, I'll just try to have some holy thoughts about you... Though it'll be hard as my mind has ventured into the darkest paths."

Hearing these things from Jungkook makes his heart race. "Jungkook-ah..."
"Just answer me hyung."

"It was not a crime... Though it feels like that... I'm not running away from you... Though it feels like that..." Jimin begins, slowly raising his head to meet Jungkook's confused eyes, his own face blushing.

"What?" After thinking for a while Jungkook asks him what he meant.

"It's hard..." Jimin begins again, removing Jungkook's hold from his wrist before threading their fingers. Jungkook's face brightens up immediately.

"It's hard for me to stay away from you... I don't know how to deal with these feelings... I don't want to mislead you as well because you are young... So I was just keeping myself away from you. But You! You are so stubborn from the moment you turned 23!"

Jungkook chuckles happily and pulls Jimin closer by his hips, making him gasp surprised. He can't get used to this kind of bold Jungkook just yet.

"We both are young, and in love, and I'm not stupid. I know what I want!" Jungkook whispers low. "I'm an adult with growing desires..." Pink graces Jimin's cheek, he hides his face into his chest.

Jungkook chuckles huskily. "I thought you were going to break-up with me!" He whispers and Jimin hits his bicep. "That's not going to happen! I love you so much..."

"I love you too Jimin... and I want you so much... and I'll make sure you won't think of me as a young boy after that."

"Stop it you pervert!" Jimin hits his chest this time with blushing cheeks as he parts away from the hug.

"It's true... I fell in love with you when I was a boy... I will show you how I will love you as a man... a real man!"

Jimin's heart flutters badly again, he closes his eyes looking away. His boyfriend was really something. Bold Jungkook was really something else!


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