Chapter 4: The Church

Start from the beginning

** Church Entry into Nigeria**
The uniqueness of the church was one of the reasons for the fast spread of the Celestial church of Christ. At that point, it spread to Lagos. Seven members who were also fishermen were mentioned to have played the fundamental roles in introducing the church to Nigeria.(section 42).
Now, it was time to bring the church into Nigeria and we see God's hand in His church using seven members; emphasizing on the number seven as perfection. God uses this to show us that bringing the church to Nigeria was completely a divine mission, as mentioned in section 42. The founder was reluctant to go to Lagos (section 43), even after refusing twice, and couldn't refuse a third time. God's will must always be done, even with the founder not planning this, unlike some pastors who will seek to go round the world and aim for fame, we see him on the contrary here. The founder also expressed 'fear' of Nigeria (section43). He described that he heard that Nigeria was a 'fast' and 'difficult' country. As men of God, we can have weakness, maybe little fears of things, definitely not fear that leads to panic, but at times too much cautiousness leads to fear, but regardless, we are strong in Christ even when weak(Joel3:10).
On his arrival in Lagos, the founder cured a mad woman instantly (section44). This led to a stir amongst other churches in the region, and they requested to meet with the founder. They had also heard of previous miracles and requested to see these miracles with their eyes. They requested to meet at a hall at Yaba in Lagos. They also made it clear to the founder that they were believers also, but were also thorough-going and will scrutinize his actions (section 45).
At the hall in Yaba, the founder selected two women, one married and unmarried, asking them to lie down and put his clothes on them. He removed two of his garments worn and placed one on each of the women. The women, after about an hour, were told to stand up and they both didn't feel any major impact (section46), at this point their disbelief certainly grew, then the founder remembered and sang hymn 229 (Holy Spirit descends into our midst) which an eleven month old child gave through the spirit to the church. On singing the hymn, suddenly the HolySpirit descended upon them; among them somebody said 'He is my beloved , I sent him, hear him', another said 'you married woman, you are in your mensural period, and you want to see the glory of Jesus, ask her whether she's on her period or not' referring to one of the women the founder earlier placed his garment on. Still another said, 'you young woman, you know very well you have just had sexual relations and you have not bathed to clean yourself, I am a selective God'. The whole hall shook, seeing the glory and power of God, they were all bewildered at everything they saw and heard coming from among them.(section48).
There's a lot to take note of here. First of all, the God of celestial is not limited but selective. Remember it was a hall that was used, not a church. Though the people asked for miracles. It was clear that the gift of prophesy from the HolySpirit rained in the hall that day powerfully. No mad, sick or dead person was brought, so this manifestation they witnessed was the only possibility because that's what they wanted, they that are whole need no doctor(Luke5:31,32). We can't force a miracle or the work of God on those with unstable or unbelieving hearts. After many questions about the environment with the people in doubt mostly, the founder couldn't do much, but we see a hymnal song being sung and thus changing the environment in the spirit. Our hymnal songs are given directly by prophesy in the Celestial church of Christ, the hymnals are the Word of God with authority and power, this is grace also. When we sing these songs our spirit changes, the spiritual atmosphere also changes. Let your heart continually be with psalms, hymnals and spiritual songs (Ephesians5:19).
After this downpour of the HolySpirit, they were reluctant to let the founder leave the hall, as rain was also falling in that environment. When it was time for him to go, the founder stretch forth his hand to the rain and it stopped just as he earlier said(section 49).
We, as celestial, as Christ followers have the power to speak to weather conditions to change, especially for the glory of the work of God, just as how Jesus calm the storm with His disciples (Mark4:35-41).
From section 50 to 57 we see the true story of three people also raised from the dead amongst many other miracles (section53). The third case of a woman who was brought to church and kept in the church vestry for women. After being there for about three days, lifeless and the faith of most around was gone because the founder didn't go in to pray for her but sent to place his garment on her. At the moment, the mother of the woman lying dead was about to take her to bury her. We see that as she came to ask to go and bury her child, the founder indicated in section 56 that her lions fell off, and then he had sympathy with her, followed her to the body and spoke to the body in the name of Jesus, and we immediately saw another miracle hand of Jesus through the founder(section 57). We as Christians and celestial members must understand that we have been given all authority through Jesus Christ. The founder indicated strongly in the same section how he didn't immediately go to pray for the deceased body, knowing fully well he wasn't the one doing the work but Jesus. He waited for the step of Jesus and followed. The people wanted prayers, vigils, fasting or other flagellation before God wrought a miracle, but that was not the case (section 56). Yes, as Christians, we must keep our spirits in check by prayer through fasting, but God uses us for His glory according to our faith and life of faith. Our response, every day and actions every day, especially moments when we are not praying, is our real-time faith, as I call it. God is expecting us to use the authority we have and not be held down by anything or any condition. Jesus has already met all the conditions on the cross and we, as Christians, are to use this authority in circumstances of life. As noted here, the founder was not known to do spiritual works, like how much he laid hands and instantaneous healings wrought through him in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. These days we see so many in celestial who have put their faith solely on spiritual works and have thrown away the power to lay hands on the sick, dead or those in trouble, we tend to only think of spiritual works now. We as leaders must know the place of spiritual works; it is mainly to help the faith of the seeker, and if the person seeking God already believes in you as a leader of the church, you can lay your hands on them alone or just do a simple work of faith like the founder; using girdles or your garment on them, this will work according to the level of faith in Jesus Christ as He is the one doing the work. What we say also matters during prayers . We remember Christ always using the word 'Asleep' instead of 'dead' (Mathew9:24). The founder was also known to never use faithless words or common words, even in a poisoned environment. Our life of faith should not be based on the condition of man, but the condition of Jesus Christ.

** Historical Reflection** (section 89): The founder mentioned a vital point here, telling us that nobody atall not even his father, expected the kind of service to God to which he was called. Your destiny is with God, even as parents or close relation, we cannot know in totality what God has in plan, we live by faith in Christ and He uses us as He pleases for His glory even beyond the thoughts of people around us. Eyes have not seen, ear has not heard not as it entered into the heart of man what God has planned for those who love Him(1Corinthians2:9).

**Registration of the Church**
The Celestial Church of Christ was duly registered in 1958 on November 24. Certified registration whose number is 489 by the then Governor General of the Federation(section 90). This was initially not disposed to be granted because no spiritual church of African origin had up to then been registered. This makes Celestial Church of Christ the first church to be registered as an African-origin church. Only churches with European or American origin were registered and recognized. After the founder was told about the reluctance of the governor to register, he told the congregation there was no cause for anxiety because the person who owns the church would reveal himself to the officials concerned. A few days later, the application was registered and sealed, waiting for the collector. The governor apparently had a dream where a tall man in white with long hair parted in the middle appeared to him and instructed him to sign the certificate of registration for the church because the church is His church.(section 90). This, on its own, is a miracle and a testimony to the church.

**Absolute Dictate of the Holy Spirit**
Section 91 emphasizes in the celestial constitution that the name of the church, the tenants of the church, the mode of worship of the church, the hymns of the church are all revealed through the Holy Spirit by our Lord Jesus Christ. (John 14:25,26).
Looking at other denominations, we see that the Celestial church of Christ is quite different and doesn't seem to copy or excuse human feelings. From the putting off shoes to the sutana to the mode of worship, it is quite different from the kind of worship that a common-minded person would bring, it can only be from heaven above.