Part 23

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(A/n:She pulled the trigger & Kookie hugged Angel & took her in his embrace..
Both shut their eyes in fear,they heard the gun thn they heard Nancy's groaning...)


(A/n:Mr.Jeon threw the rod stick towards her, It hit her head & so even if she pulled the trigger it wasn't on the point..
She fall in the ground & Mr.Jeon hurriedly went towards her & took the gun from her.Thn he forcefully tied her
up in the chair...She hadn't enough
strength to stop him...)

Mr.Jeon:I am sending the location to police..Jungkook,let's go to hospital..U r still bleeding..

Angel:Help me to held Appa..He can't stand..

Kookie:Baby,Appa will be ok...don't cry....

(A/n:Well,Angel was crying silently,bt he noticed it)

(A/n:Thn they went outside to the car,sat there.Angel was holding Kookie securely & Mr.Jeon was driving the car..Angel kept talking with Kookie so that he couldn't loose his sense.Mr.Jeon was so worried after all Kookie was his son,
no matter their relationship was good or bad,Bt he kept his calm face to handle
everything.On the meantime he had
already sent the location to the police.On
the other side in the police station they
received a message.V became more worried seeing the message....)

The message:We found Angel from "X"
abundant factory building..Now we r
hading to Seoul National hospital.
PIzz go there as soon as possible so that
the kidnapper can't run way.We tied up the girl in the chair who is the main culprit & other guys r there too..They r all beaten up.That girl had a gun's somewhere in the room..And if Mr.Kim is there tell him to come to the hospital as soon as possible..

(A/n:Mr.Jeon forgot to mention his name
in the message.So they all were confused
who sent police couldn't do anything here.On the basis of anonymous message,they went to the place and V with 2 police men went towards the hospital..

V was so damn worried after getting the message.Cause there was mention of gun & hospital.He just couldn't imagine what might happen with his Angel..He was just praying that his Angel was okk..

On the way,he suddenly remembered about Kookie..He called him as soon as he remembered.Well he was so worried about Angel that he kinda forgot,
Kookie left from there after saying
sorry..V feels bed for this..So he called him. Bt no one received the call..He tried many time..Bt in vain.He thought Kookie
was hurt about all these, that's why he wasn't receiving)

             "After reaching hospital."

(A/n:V rushed to the hospital & went to the receptionist & and asked her....)

V:Is there anyone named Kim Angel.. A little girl..Age 11.. came here a little ago..

Receptionist:Let me check, sir...

V:PIzz check fast..(A/n:He was so damn worried)

Receptionist:No sir..There is no one named Kim Angel..

V:What r u saying..she should be here.
plzz recheck. It would be around 20/30 minutes.

Receptionist:Sir.I checked it.. Not only 20/30 minutes ago,there is no patient named asKim Angel in this whole day.

V:But....(Cut off by a phn call)

Receptionist:Excuse me, sir...
(A/n:She received the call)Hello,It's counter 1..Okk.. it. I am sending the blood from the blood bank as soon as possible..

(A/n:She cut the call & she called someone else...)

Receptionis:It's counter 1,plzz send 1 bag A+(ve) blood in room 407 for patient Jeon Jungkook...Yeah.plzz..send it faster..It's emergency..

(A/n:V became shocked and confused hearingKookie's name.. He thought that he misheard it...)

V:Excuse me.. Did you just say Jeon Jungkook.?

Receptionist:Sorry, sir..

V:The call,u said u need A+(ve) blood for
Jeon Jungkook?

Receptionist: Yes, sir.Jeon Jungkook...

V:U sure...

Receptionist:Yes, sir..

V:Whn did he come?

Receptionist:20 minutes ago.. He was being stabbed.. A little girl and an old man took him here..


Receptionist:In 4th floor room 407..

V:Thnxx.(A/n:V ran towards there...)

(A/n:He didn't even w8 for lift.He just
ran towards there & in the hallway
he saw Angel sitting there, lowering her
head,looking at the floor.Her all body
was covered with blood and dust..Thn
he also saw Mr.Jeon standing outside
the room with a worried face..V had
already guessed what might have happened..He called out by Angel's name....)


Angel:(Looked at the direction of the voice)PAPAAA..(A/n:She ran towards him & same goes to V & thn V took her up..Angel hugged him tightly & and started to cry so hard.V didn't have even courage to ask about Kookie,he became dead shocked.)

Angel:Papaaa,Appa got stabbed..He was
bleeding so badly...He...

(A/n:She couldn't even speak cause of hiccups & crying.V also lost his words.. He started to feel guilty about earlier,when he shouted at Kookie being frustrated)

V:Don't cry, baby,Appa will be ok..

(A/n:At last, he spoke up bt guiltiness
started to haunt him.He started to recall
how he talked with Kookie after Angel
got kidnapped & how he behaved with
him.He didn't even console him.He just
talked with him rudely.He knew it well
that Kookie also loves Angel like he
does bt his anger make him forget it..
Thn Mr.Jeon went towards thm & ...)

Mr.Jeon:Mr.Kim,ur daughter is safe..
don't my son isn't okay..hope
he will be all fine soon.He was ready to
sacrifice his own life for saving her..
I never thought that he loved her in this
way.. I thought it's just an affection as she
is just a it's not just affection...
my son became her real father...(Sighed)

Angel:Papa,uk, this oldie went there to
save me.. That duck face woman was
about to tie him up too.At that moment
Appa entered there like a superhero..
He fought with thm.. This oldie also did..
At that moment he got stabbed🥺and uk I kicked her lastly she was about to shoot me..Appa thn hugged me to save me,she shooted too bt oldie somehow distracted her and saved me & Appa,thn tied her up, sent the location to police & we took Appa here..Papa,Appa will be okk r8?plzz tell na..

V:Don't worry baby.Ur Appa is so strong..He will be all ok...& Mr.Jeon thnx for everything...

Mr.Jeon:Don't thank me.. It's all my
mistake.. I shouldn't choose that psycho girl as my son's partner.All these r my fault. For my fault,my son is there... failed asa father..I am a failure..(A/n:He cried out)

(A/n:Angel came down from V's arm and
went towards him)

Angel:Oldie,u r not that bad..ook..!
Everything will be fine..don't worry..U just have to put off ur ego. That's it..

(A/n:Thn she hugged him and Mr.Jeon
became  so overwhelmed.. Then he took her up...)

To be continued....

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