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My feet dangled off the edge of the balcony as I watched the sun set. I picked up my gun and fired into the distance.

Soon enough everyone that lived in this godforsaken house was all gathered in my room.

i counted four men and one small woman.

"What the fuck did you fire for magnolia?" My father asked annoyed.

He was always annoyed when it came to me using firearms and weapons. It was fine when the boys threw knives at each other but I fire one round and I'm a danger to myself and others. Fucking asshole.

I rolled my eyes.
"To get you all here. Duh."

"Maggie? What's going on?" Mom asked softly. Don't let this softness fool you my mom was tough as hell. She was probably just tired or was still checking to see if anyone was injured.

"I think I should be the next don." I announce.

I'm waiting for the screams and sounds of stuff breaking behind me when I hear it.
Luca(29) fucking laughing. I should kill him where he stands.

I turn around and shoot him a glare. He quickly shuts up, and Leo(30) speaks.

"Bambina, why? You know how dangerous the business is. Plus you know Matteo is the eldest and is set to inherit that title."

"Okay fine I won't be the Italian don. I'll just be the Spanish one." I shrug.

I gave them a chance.

"What does that mean?" My father growls

"Means I found a way to become the next Spanish don. I was going to see if you guys would let me apply myself but since you aren't I will go where I'm wanted." I shrugged.


"she's only 19!"

"You can't let her leave!"

"ENOUGH." Matteo(32) booms through the chaos.

He looks at me and nods.

"I recently spoke with the current don of the Spanish mafia, his son does not wish to carry on their legacy as he is faint hearted. he recognized my potential and made me an offer. i become the don and train under him for two years. then he announces me the don and i finally receive the power i deserve."

"bambina how could he even contact you? how do you know this is a legitimate deal?" Leo fusses. ever the worrier.

"we signed a blood oath." i shrug

several minutes later, after some screaming and breaking things my father speaks.

"Blood oaths are serious principessa, i know Rafael personally and thankfully hes an honorable man but what if he wasn't?" he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Tio rafa has been working with me since i was 5 years old father. where do you think i stayed when you all went on family business trips but i couldn't go since it 'wasn't safe'? he and tia rosa haven taken care of me consistently. do not insinuate that he is passing on his don status to me out of nefarious intent." i snapped.

i felt the wave of panic hit me and quickly stumbled back and gripped the rail of the balcony.

i started counting like tio taught me.

in for two

hold for two

out for three

hold for three


when i finally opened my eyes and cleared my head from the panic and intrusive thoughts i saw my family.

 Magnolia.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora