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Seonghwa's POV

After some time, I woke up. The first thing I did was sit up and look around. I was in a familiar place, but I couldn't recognise it. My head felt so heavy and so painful that I just groaned and fell back down onto where I was laying down. There was a breeze coming out of somewhere, I opened my eyes again and looked around. Now I recognised where I was, I was in the back of Hongjoongs car. The door was wide open and there were sirens and flashing colours outside that made me feel even worse than I already was.
I closed my eyes again and curled up into a ball. It was so cold that I was shaking.

I heard footsteps that were coming towards me and then I opened my eyes again. It was Hongjoong that was here with me. He stepped in the van and then kneeled down next to me. I smiled and then he started petting my head.
"You're so done for this."

"You know everything, don't you?"
I said quietly.

"I do."
He nodded.
"But I won't scold you right now, you're hurt."
He sighed and kissed my cheek.
"Once we're home and I give you your medicine and once it starts working, I will... kill you, my dear Hwa."
He chuckled and put his hand under my head.

I yelped and frowned.

"You have to promise me that you will stop being like this. It's unsafe."
He laid his head next to mine and looked me in the eyes with a loving gaze.

"I know..."
I sighed.

"Only with friends and just- and just close people that you know aren't sick with anything. Ok?"
His eyes widened expectedly.

I smiled and nodded.

"Good, if we agree on it, I won't have to scold you."
He chuckled and slowly got up.

"I hope so, I don't have to lose you over this."
I kept my eyes on him.

"You won't lose me. I promise."
He brushed his fingers on my cheek the last time and then got out of the van.

My smile stayed on my lips as I watched him go to the police and start talking to them again. His build really looked small next to them but he still looked cute and sexy and... and all of the other good things that I could word.
They were laughing and he kept on glancing at me from moment to moment, but soon enough he came back with three blankets. He started putting them over me and then after kneeled down next to me and smiled
"It's good that only your head is hurt."

"Did he manage to-..."
I looked up at him.

"No, he didn't. I actually came back just in time."
He started petting my head.
"Do you wish for me to tell you about it?"

I chuckled.

"Well, it all started by how it's started. We can skip that. Good thing you screamed loudly when he started forcing you. I then went out and watched through the window to see if anything changes, but it didn't. Once you passed out, he started undressing you as he stroked himself, he was so close to raping you, but I could say I came in just in time, he was uh- masturbating over your body. But after all, it was all just to protect you but I am going to court for assault and I'm gonna paying fees for his hospital bill. He ended up with a lot of injuries, and I did call the police. But he is going to jail and I am- they are gonna decide if I'm going with him."

Degrees of Intimacy. - Seongjoong.Where stories live. Discover now