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(lauryn's outfit for this chapter)

The next morning Lauryn woke up to her phone going off with a text from Conrad

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The next morning Lauryn woke up to her phone going off with a text from Conrad.

The next morning Lauryn woke up to her phone going off with a text from Conrad

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meet me at the beach?

Yeah, give me 10 minutes.

okay, I love you <3

I love you, too <3

Lauryn smiled as she read the messages. She glanced over at Belly who was still asleep and decided to let her rest. She got up and changed clothes. Once she was ready, she wrote a quick note to her aunt and uncle letting them know she went out. She didn't know when they would wake up, so she decided to write the note instead of waking them. She walked to the beach, smiling as she saw him sitting on the sand staring at the ocean. When she walked over to him, she smiled and sat by him.

"Hi, Coco." She greeted.

"Hi." He smiles. "You look beautiful."

Her face turns red and she shyly looks down. "Thanks. You look handsome."

Conrad reaches out and gently lifts her chin, his green eyes meeting her brown ones. They had the look of pure adoration and love as he leaned his forehead against hers. "I meant to check on you last night." He admits. "But Belly beat me to it. I figured you'd be okay with her."

"I was okay." She reassures him, smiling a little. "I mean, sure there was a lot of crying involved," She chuckles lightly. "But we had a great time and it was well needed."

"That's good. I'm glad." He smiled, his hand moving to cup her face.

Lauryn leans into his touch, her heart fluttering. "How are you doing?" She asked softly, her brown eyes filled with worry and concern.

"I'm hanging in there, I guess. You help." He admitted.

"You help, too." She gave him a soft smile, and his thumb lightly traced her bottom lip, causing her face to turn red and her heart skip a beat. 

HOW DO YOU LOVE SOMEBODY! conrad fisherWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu