Papa's Girl

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It didn't take anyone without a brain to realize who was the favorite child in your house hold. You were the youngest in the momobami family which meant two things.

1. You got whatever you wanted even if you didn't want it.

2.Due to your father favoring you over the momobami twins they pretty much hated you or ignored you.

Now that sounds sort of nice given the fact of how cruel they can be but it wasn't. You craved for their attention. You just wanted sisters who could love you.

I woke up as i got dressed and did my hair in a presentable fashion. I did my regular routine as i finished breakfast. Papa walked past me as he gently ruffled my hair. I groaned as I had just finished doing my hair.

"Papa! I just finished doing my hair!" I said as i pushed his hand away playfully. Father smiled as he sighed dramatically. He never smiled. Not even for mother but yet he did for me.

I believe it's because i look a lot like grandma. Papa's mom. She pasted away when Papa was younger but yet he still loved her with all his heart.

Ririka and Kirari walked into the kitchen as well. They ignored my existence as I looked back at my empty plate. Papa stopped smiling as his expression turned how it usually was. Cold.

"I'll be out this weekend and next week also. Your mother will be attending matters somewhere else which means you 3 girls will be here. So take care of each other, especially take care of y/n."

Papa said sternly as he wanted the twins to know to take care of me. He never wanted anything to happen to me that could hurt me.

Ririka nodded as Kirari rolled her eyes but nodded also. Papa glares at Kirari. That's when they started to argue.

I washed my plate. Even though we have maids it's best to have manners at least. I left the kitchen as i heard Kirari continue to shout about how i'm always favorited because of me looking like grandma.

A woman i've never met. Which is true but I still shouldn't be treated how Kirari and Ririka treat me.

I waited in the car before Kirari and Ririka got into the car. While on the drive to school they continued to ignore me. I looked at the window watching the road and people in their cars. They looked so happy where they were going.

Meanwhile i was miserable in this situation.

"Y/n. Are you even paying attention?" Ririka said in her usual monotone tone with me. She wasn't wearing her mask. I looked at her with curiosity. "Huh?" I stated as i looked at her.

"Ririka said if you would alright alone in the mansion for a couple of hours. Of course you wouldn't be alone as the maids would keep you company. Like always." Kirari snickered as Ririka slapped her shoulder.

I stood quiet as i nodded agreeing that I would be fine. Ririka sighed as she was about to say something else but i got out of the car quickly. I walk to my classes not bothering to even say hello to my friends.

I bumped into someone who used to pick on me in middle school. They saw me as they started to call me "Papas girl". At first it sounded dumb but now it's a running joke that it hurts. It hurts because it's true. All of it is true.

I never told anyone about that as I didn't want anyone to think I was weak. I mean who would think that a Momobami was getting bullied? No one.

I sat down at my desk as i felt tears in my eyes. I can't cry. What would Papa think of me if I did cry? Would he hate me? Probably. Would he yell at me and make this worse? Yes.

No. I won't cry. Momobami's don't cry.

But now here I am in the bathroom. Crying. I wipe my tears as I look in the mirror. I hear someone stand next to me.

"What the fuck happened to you? Should I get Ririka?" Mary. That's her voice. Shit!

I turn to Mary as i shake my head giving her a fake smile. "No! I'm fine I just had something in my eye!" Mary looked at me. No convinced but nodded.

She definitely was going to snitch on me. Kirari and Ririka would hate me if they saw what I am doing. Crying? No I can't.

"So who did this to you? Do I have to beat someone up? Cause I will!" Mary said in a threatening tone. I shake my head no while smiling. "It's like I said I fell!"

Mary tilted her head. "I thought you said something was in your eye."


"T-That's what I meant!" I say nervously as i try to explain but i stamper on my words. Before I could finish Mary walked out the bathroom.

I didn't even move as I knew she was telling Ririka who would most definitely tell Kirari. They would actually escalate the situation far worse than it needs to be.

I walked out the bathroom heading back to my class before I felt the twins right behind me. I knew it was them by the way they're heals click in sync. I took a deep breath before I looked at them.

Ririka eyes seemed warm and soft. Ririka deep inside had a gut feeling of what was happening but didn't want to believe it while Kirari was obvious to it.

"Y/n why don't you tell us what is happening?" Kirari said coldly as usual. I looked at her. "Nothing's happening. Mary made this all more of a big deal-" "You we're crying. Mary told me that. And why would Mary make a big deal of you crying? You never cry. So what's wrong?" Ririka said softly.

"Someone just said a harmless joke and I let it get-" "Who." The twins said in synchronization.

I stay silent as I look down at the ground like a kicked puppy. Ririka looked at Kirari with teary eyes as Kirari looked upset that someone said something wrong to her baby sister.

"We'll figure this sisters." Kirari said as she held my hand and took me to her office as Ririka stood on my other side protectively.

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