Her love

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So in this you are Sayaka's sibling and she basically left you for Kirari and now she wants to apologize...

Third person:

Sayaka had walked up the stairs. She could remember when she would walk back home from school. How Sayaka and Y/N would race to the top of the stairs. That was a long time ago. Sayaka rang the doorbell. Kirari and Ririka were by her side for support. They both had told Sayaka that she should talk to her family again. As Kirari and Sayaka were getting married in a couple of months.

Sayaka knew how her family would react. They would hate it. I mean wouldn't you hate it if your sibling left you in terrible family to fend for yourself.

Sayaka saw somebody walk towards the door. She had recognized the body figure. It was Y/N. She knew it was. Nobody would walk like that except for them.

Y/N opened the door to see Sayaka and the Momobami's. "Fucks sake." Sayaka didn't say anything. Y/N had changed she thought. Kirari had spoke up. "Hello I am Kirari Momobami and-" In the middle of Kirari's sentence she was cut of by Y/N saying "Sayaka I didn't know you couldn't talk for yourself." Sayaka held her ground and politely asked to come inside as it was freezing outside.

Y/N didn't say anything but walk from the door leaving it open. The three girls walked into the house. Sayaka smiled gently as she could remember her childhood home. It was big but not big as the Momobami's home. "Sorry we don't have maids here to help you get the things you need Momobami." Y/N said in a rather harsh yet serious tone. As if she was being apologetic and sarcastic at the same time.

Ririka said it was fine and started to walk around. "So my dear sister why are you here?" Sayaka then looked at Kirari smiling. Kirari had grabbed Sayaka's hand and smiled back. "Well we are getting marri-" "No" Is all Y/N said back." Sayaka looked at her sibling pissed. Who were they to dictate her life? Sayaka had thought. "I won't allow it." Y/N said a smirk on their face. "I wasn't asking you're permission but rather telling you." Sayaka shot back.

The twins watched this scene unfold. Somehow it went from a conversation from yelling back and forth. "YOU LEFT ME FOR HER AND NOW YOU WANT ME TO JUST INVITE HER INTO THE FAMILY?!" "YOURE ACTING LIKE A FUCKING CHILD!"

Eventually the yelling had stopped and Y/N told them to get out. Sayaka scoffed and told Y/N that she really wished they would just grow up. Y/N walked up to Sayaka and looked her dead in the eyes. "I'm going to tell you what you told me the day you left with the Momobami girl." Y/N said. "Really what's that?!" Sayaka snarled back. "Fuck off."

The twins started to head towards the door. They knew that they had caused this. They torn apart a great family. They pulled Sayaka from her family.

Sayaka was half way through the door when she turned back to look at her little sibling. All she could see was rage in their eyes.

Well that's all for now but see you all later....oh and 563 words lol

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