The Honeymoon

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"Mrs. Hall, where is your husband?" The detective's voice seems light years away. "Mrs. Hall!" He snaps his fingers.

I pull the thin wool blanket tighter around myself. "I don't know," I lie.

The detective sighs. I stare at the flashing red and white lights of the ambulance until I'm mesmerized.

"Mrs. Hall, I'm going to have to take you down to the station. Maybe you'll remember where Andrew is by the time we get there."


"Hey, hey, it's okay," my husband shook me from my nightmare. "You're okay, Sadie."

Tears spilled from my eyes; I dabbed at them with a McDonald's napkin. "Oh my God, Andy. It was so bad." I pulled down the car's visor to check my reflection. My brown eyes were red-rimmed, but otherwise, I looked fine. I took a deep breath to steady myself and smiled at Andy. "It was just a dream."

"Must have been one hell of a dream. You were screaming." He took his eyes off the road for a moment to look at me. "Want to tell me about it?"

"I was in a room and then-" I stopped, trying to remember what happened after that. What had terrified me so much I woke up screaming?

"And then?" Andy prompted.

I shook my head. "I can't remember."

"Well, sugar, it was just a dream. You're safe with me. And I have good news."

I sat up in the seat. "What's the good news?"

Andy smiled. "After sixteen hours of driving, five hours of listening to you sing, and a million bathroom breaks-" I groaned, but he continued. "-I am happy to announce we are almost to our destination." He held up his phone, open to the map. "We'll be there in under five."

"I can't wait!" I squealed.

Andy took my hand. "Neither can I."

We turned right onto a gravel road. Live oak trees flanked either side, dripping with Spanish moss. I'd seen pictures, but nothing compared to seeing this kind of beauty in person. I rolled down my window for an unobstructed view.

"Nothing like Albany, is it?" Andy laughed.

"It's beautiful!" I breathed, not taking my eyes off of the scenery.

"Well, don't get used to it. We're only here for a few days, then it's back to brownstones and city traffic."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Keep it up, mister, and I might just stay here."

"No doubt," he winked at me.

I craned my neck, trying to catch a glimpse of the house. I gasped when I spotted a clearing through the trees. "Do ya think that's the place?" I asked Andy.

He slowed the car and looked over. "Probably a golf course," he answered. "Have patience. We'll be there in a minute."

"I've not been patient since I found this place online and you know it."

"All too well," he sighed.

The trees finally broke, and the yard rolled into view. I bounced in my seat, like I was thirteen instead of thirty. "We're getting closer!"

We topped a hill, and the view made me catch my breath. The sun seemed to shine directly on the white house, its columns welcomed us. The sprawling yard was well-manicured and rose bushes in every color dotted the flower beds. Two wrap-around porches completed the home; one on the lower level, and one on the upper. At the corner of the yard, a matching gazebo stood, with roses and ivy woven through the latticework. I all but jumped out of the car the second Andy put it in park and I walked to the steps in awe.

The Honeymoon (Halloween Vault 2023)Where stories live. Discover now