Chapter 2

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Place; Max and Ross's house
Time: 7 pm
Status: Ranboo has his first sleepover

I was talking to the officer outside about all of our missing stuff, he reassured me that he could bring it all our stuff back tonight! So, at least I have that going for me, the normal*one* thing being just a bit normal today. "So, what's with the tall child behind the pillar?" I turn to my porch and see that Ranboo was there watching me interact with the police officer, "They're my nibling. My brother's kid." The police officer accepts this answer and quickly explains to me that they couldn't find the pool water. So, I still don't have a single clue on how Butch did that. I then hear Ross's voice, to which a scream was released.

Suddenly, guns going off and I watch as Ranboo teleports from behind the pillar to next to me. I quickly drag them behind the police car as I am trying to calm Ross and the Police officer down. They thankfully stopped shooting at each other after I was yelling about Ross being my roommate.
"He's your roommate?!"
"But, he's a squirrel!"
"It's weird, I know!"

They both proceed to keep their distance from each other  then I start to feel Ranboo shaking so, I quickly take off my 'tummy time' apron and wrap it around them like a faux security blanket, "Sorry, it's just a squirrel tore my ACL off when I was seven." We then tried to explain how it was not Ross that did that. The police officer then got very specie-est and quickly turns to me to tell me, that he will have to move everything tomorrow as, and I quote, 'he just pissed his pants.'

They, Ross and the Police officer, were gonna start shooting again but I yell at them to stop and how we will see each other tomorrow. Ranboo was hiding behind me the whole time during the ordeal.

After that whole fiasco, we went inside and I turn to Ranboo, "I swear this isn't a normal thing that happens to us." They nod and ask, "What was the thing that caused all the booming noise, I didn't see any TNT." I sigh and explain, "Those are called Guns. Guns hurt people and Ross for some reason owns one." They nod and I turn to Ross, "Are our emergency pajamas still in the floor boards?"
"No, only an idiot would keep them there. I put them in the attic."
"Can you go grab them, please."
He nods and runs off, I turn to Ranboo, "Do you mind sleeping in those clothes for tonight? We will get you a set tomorrow." They nod and ask, "What are pajamas?" I facepalm because, of course, I forgot that this kid didn't have a childhood. "Sleepwear." They nod and ask, "So how did you and Ross become friends? I mean, he is a squirrel and you are a human."


The man sits down next to me and answers with, "We have been friends since I was a child. Don't even remember when it happened, we've just been friends." I nod but that the story didn't answer my question. I just accept the answer (for now). Max quickly leaves to set up these things called 'sleeping bags' they're like normal beds but the blanket is the comforter and is also the blanket that covers you. After a while we were all sat in a circle while Ross tells us a scary story about something that smashes you into doors. I cling onto Max and I guess that was enough for him to ask Ross to stop. They talk for a little bit and the memories start coming back; Dream and Tommy, how I died when trying to protect Techno. I then feel something heavy but soft get placed on me, I snap out of my trance and noticed how I have a thick blanket on me. Ross then says, "Sorry dude if my story scared you. Didn't think it would send you into a panic attack." A panic attack? I look and notice the purple ooze coming out of my eyes, my tears? Max then says, "We all better get to bed, gotta be up and energized for moving things back into the house!" Max then tells Ross that he, Ross, is going to clean up and I was given the living room to sleep in for now.

Around midnight I hear Max pacing about, I quickly sit up and watch as him walk into the 'sun room' and hear a click. He then comes pacing out and screeches before whisper shouting, "Your eyes glow! Didn't you know that?!" I didn't. "You scared the crap out of me-!" I quickly respond, "I didn't know they glowed! I swear I didn't mean to freak you out!" He calms down and tells me he is going back to bed, I slowly start drifting off but not even five minutes later I hear Max screaming about how someone is in the house. I bolt up in fear. when I then hear him scream again. I teleport to him out of instinct, he calms down a little now that I'm awake but keeps trying to wake up Ross. I heard and smelled the farts come out of Ross and also heard Max gag at the smell. (I did as well, what did this squirrel eat???) He looks past me and screams again, I turn around and catch a faint outline of a monster. We both hug each other out of fear, then Max returns to screaming at Ross to wake up again but louder this time.


"This isn't funny anymore Ross!" I look at Ranboo and never have been so thankful for an enderman's eyes glowing in the dark. Ranboo and I then hear a noise from downstairs. We start walking towards it and I feel Ranboo put his shaking hands on my arm so, I pretended to be a bit more brave. I didn't want to seem like a coward in front of a child. I creep around and look at the basement doors, we slowly start walking down together then when we turn around. We saw it. The monster. I scream like a little bitch and Ranboo teleported the both of us into a tree where we would reside for the rest of the night, "what was that?!"
"I don't know man, I don't know."
Ranboo then asked me, "Was that *your* scream?" I blush out of embarrassment that I screamed like a little girl and wished for the morning to come faster.

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