"She believes that you are capable of redemption. Apart from your brother, she was the biggest champion against having you killed."

The silence between spoke louder than any words.

As they looked out at the city, they saw the aftermath of the great battle against the Night King had left its mark on the capital of the Seven Kingdoms, and it would take more than just magic and might to restore it to its former glory.

But King Jon Snow, now crowned as King Jaeharys III of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord Of The Seven Kingdoms and Protector Of The Realm, was determined to see his city rise again. With the help of his aunt Daenerys Targaryen, he set out to rebuild and restore King's Landing to its former splendor.

Together, they surveyed the damage wrought by the Night King's army of the dead. Great swathes of the city lie in ruins, their buildings reduced to nothing but rubble and dust. The stench of death and destruction hung heavy in the air, and the sound of weeping and wailing could be heard throughout the streets.

Despite the devastation, Jon and Daenerys were undeterred. They knew that the only way to truly defeat the darkness is to bring light and hope back to the people. And so, they began the long and arduous process of rebuilding and restoring King's Landing.

And so, with the help of the surviving citizens of King's Landing, Unsullied, Lords and Ladies the two rulers set about the task of restoring their capital. They worked tirelessly, day and night, clearing away the rubble and debris, rebuilding homes and businesses, and healing the wounded.

As the dais passed, the city began to take shape again, slowly but surely. The sound of hammers ringing out and the laughter of children playing fill the air, replacing the silence and despair that had settled over the city like a shroud.

But even as progress is made, there were reminders of the destruction that came beforr. Scars on the walls and buildings, the charred remains of homes and the memories of those who were lost. Yet, despite these reminders, the people of King's Landing held onto hope, knowing that their futire could be brighter than their pasr.

They worked dsy and night, to repair damaged homes, rebuild broken bridges, and restore the ancient walls that have protected the city for centuris.

As the days turn into weeks, and the weeks turn into months, the city began to slowly come back to life. The sounds of hammering and sawing filled the air, as new buildings rose from the ashes of the old. The scent of freshly cut wood and newly laid stone filled the air, and the people of King's Landing begin to see a glimmer of hope on the horizon.

And at the heart of it all, standing tall and proud, was King Jon and Daenerys, their determination and strength inspiring their people to persevere through even the darkest of times. For though the Night King may have brought destruction and despair to King's Landing, he could nevr extinguish the spirit of its people, or the love and courage that bound them together.

[Red Keep - Courtyard]

In the bustling courtyard of the Red Keep, Queen Daenerys stood among them, surrounded by a few of her remaining loyal guards. She called for Tyrion Lannister, the Imp, to join her in private discussion. The dwarf lord made his way through the crowd, his sharp mind already working on the task at hand.

He served as Jon's Master Of Coin, but Jon had agreed, as a part of their pact, to essentially lend some of his advisors so she had a real chance to establish a proper kingdom.

"Tyrion, I need your help," Daenerys began, her voice firm but laced with a hint of vulnerability. "Jon Snow has convinced me to start anew, beyond the Wall. To create a kingdom where all people can live together, regardless of their background or allegiance."

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