chapter 10- scandal

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I was doing my usual stuff around the house, you know cleaning and washing all their clothes.
I knew they had gone for an interview, but they were talking longer than usual.

I decided to text jongseob
"Hii, you okay?" I texted him.
But no reply.

I checked the Monday morning news and saw something that made me gasp.

Jongseob got into a scandal. A dating scandal.
But it wasn't with me

It was Danielle from new jeans

My mind filled with anger and frustration. Was it true?
Or was it just a lie.

I sat on the sofa for a while when I heard the door open. The boys were back. I didn't turn around, and I didn't say anything

"Helloooo. Were homee" I heard keeho shouting
I didn't react.
"Alice?, you okay?" Jongseob asked me.

I just stared at him with an annoyed look, then quickly stared back at the TV.

He looked at the TV and saw the news. "What the-" intak said as they all saw the news.

"How did this happen then?" I asked jongseob with a straight face.

"Alice, it's not true, I promise," he tried convincing me.

I knew it wasn't real. I just wanted to see him beg for forgiveness.

"Mm," I mumbled before getting up and going to my room.
I slammed the door loudly.

I sat on my bed, wondering if someone would come in and ask if I was okay or explain something to me.

I heard the door open. I looked away from the door

It was jongseob

"What?" I asked

"Alice, look at me," He said
I moved my head to look at him slowly.

"Everything you saw isn't real. This picture is you. You're wearing the exact same thing as you were wearing when we went out," he explained

I didn't need his explanation
I just pouted and looked away sarcastically

I felt arms wrap around me
His warm breath on my neck
I giggled

"What?" He laughed
"It tickels," I said while giggling

He tickled my neck and my stomach as I giggled and laughed with him

I fell onto his chest, and I looked up at him

"I love you," I said with clear love and care in my eyes

"I love you too." he smiled and kissed my forehead



as you can see, I made a new chapter


I'm running out of ideas 🏃‍♀️

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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