Opening Night of HSM 3 - P2

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Once they finished their duet, the room filled with a cheers and screaming, including the rest of us behind the curtains. Soon the group started to sing 'Nights of Nights' which was quite funny but they were very smooth and their voices are incredible together, also their costumes are incredible as they did the big dance all in sync, remembering every move. The song nearly finished until Seb ran into the stage and gave Carlos a deep kissed "this means we're a thing!" Seb shouted towards his parents and the crowd started to cheer. I looked at Maddie "is that in the script?" I asked her and she shook her head, I looked back out to see Carlos shocked but a smile showed afterwards.

"This is your fifteen minutes intermission." Maddie spoke through the microphone and everyone started to move around as I pulled the lights up. "hey Maddox." I girl from backstage spoke and got both of our attention "this just came for you from someone named Madison." She added and held some balloons with a note on it "how thoughtful." I spoke and smiled to her "very." She said with a laugh. I pop went off from one of the balloons and the sound machine broke on the floor "hey, what happened?" Jet asked as they ran over to us "are you okay?" Kourt asked, me and Maddie looked at the machine and saw it was smashed and it broke. "Someone will have to operate the sound system manually for Act Two. But if I do that, who will play Coach Bolton?" Mr. Mazzara spoke.

Everyone headed down to the dressing room to get into their new outfits, I walked down the stairs to see Ricky looking a bit sad "hey, you okay?" I asked him "not really." "What's wrong?" "Gina's going to be in this new film 'Romeo and Juliette' with Mack and is travelling overseas." He explained "who told you?" I asked looking around "Gina's Mum." He replied, I gave him a tight hug "is there anything I can help with?" "Could you go on and d o the 'Scream' song?" He asked me, I looked at him with wide eyes "are you sure?" I asked him back "I really need to sit this one out." "I've got you covered, don't worry." I said giving him a hug as I run to the dressing room and got changed into my outfit.

Everyone was crowded around a mirror when I noticed EJ getting into his character as 'Coach Bolton'. "Y/n, why are you dressed?" Kourt asked me "Ricky is feeling a bit down and he asked me to fill in for one scene." "What scene is that?" Carlos asked me "his solo 'Scream'." I said nervously "do you know the words?" Kourt asked again "yeah, I've heard a few times maybe a thousand times." I said with a shrug. "Alright, you're going to smash it either way." Carlos said giving me a tight hug. "Please take your seats. Act Two will begin momentarily." Mr. Mazzara spoke through the microphone.

I stayed in the dressing room to practice the song in my head when I started to hear Maddie speaking loudly in the corridor "she's like an emotional terrorists. I mean, what am I supposed to do with these balloons?" Maddie asked Jet. "Read the card." Jet spoke "why? So Maddison can ruin the rest of my night?" Maddie asked Jet, I soon walked out and pretended that I didn't realise they were talking but Jet noticed me "Read the card. Out loud." Jet spoke with a sigh. Maddie coughed before reading the card "Maddie. these balloons aren't for you. Give them to Y/n tonight. The way you talk about her is the way people talk about someone when they're falling for them. Love always, Madison." Maddie finished speaking and looked confused at Jet as he ran off because a fake Miss Jenn was calling him.

Maddie rolled her eyes and spun around on her heels to met with me smiling at her "sorry, I overheard your conversation." I said as Maddie chuckled "what's that in your hands?" Maddie spoke walking towards me "it's a gift that I was going to give to you at the end of the show but I think now is the perfect time." I said as I gave her the box "yeah, but what is it?" Maddie asked "just open it and find out. I really hope you don't hate this." I said to her as she chuckled again and started to open the box.

As she opened it, she stared deeply at the gift and held a the piece of wood in her hands and read the writing out loud "Y/n Hearts Gadget?" Maddie spoke with confusion. "It was carved into a tree behind the bunks at Shallow Lake." I explained. "Wait. You've had feelings for me since back at camp?" She asked me and I gave her a nod with a shrug "I feel like... like I don't deserve to be as happy as you make me. You are the scariest, most beautiful person I've ever met." I finished my little speech "that is... exactly how I feel about you." She said with a smile but on the edge of crying "I know we're already dating but I wanted to give you this gift to show you how much I appreciate you and will always love you." I spoke as she smiled widely "you love me?" She asked "I do." I replied as she gently placed the gift back in the box and quickly grabbed me in a hug as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

We stayed like this until we stared into each others and we both slowly leaned in, connecting our lips together and it turned into a passionate kiss. "my kiss with Seb has gone viral on TikTok and I gotta download with somebody. Oh my god, okay. I'm leaving. Wait... I'm so happy for you two. This is so endgame." Carlos spoke to himself as he cheered us on. He finally left and we both stopped kissing as we needed air, we rested our foreheads together and both let out a small chuckle. Maddie kept her arms around my neck as I kept mine around her waist and we shared another quick kiss and a tight hug.

"I have to go on stage." I spoke as my eyes went wide "go, I'll be cheering you on from the side." Maddie spoke as I started to make my way to the stairs but quickly rushed back to give her another deep kiss then ran up the stairs leaving Maddie as she blushed a bright red colour. I got to the stage and stood on the side waiting for my cue, dressed in my outfit as my nerves were growing. "Don't worry, you're going to kill it." Maddie whispered to me as she kissed my neck and nudged me on stage with her thumbs up.

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